Nekkos were bipedal avians resided on the planet Koboh's Southern Reach. Their feathers came in many variants, shades, and colors.[2]
- "Nekkos are local to Koboh. And I've known Brutus here since I landed."
- ―Mosey Cimmaron describes her friendship with a nekko, Brutus.
Nekkos were intelligent, sociable, and easily domesticated. They could also serve as mounts for inhabitants of Rambler's Reach Outpost.[2]
Nekkos mated for life, and their courtship rituals were exhaustive and time-consuming. Male nekkos were known to create 'signatures' by clawing elaborate designs into the mud, in order to attract a mate.[2]
Behind the scenes[]
The species of bipedal avian was first revealed in a first-look of gameplay of the 2023 video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, published by IGN. It was later officially seen in the game's launch on April 28th.[2]
- Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (First appearance)