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Nels Deyland was a male individual who was a Senior Lieutenant in the Imperial Navy and served as the first officer to Captain Filia Rossi on the Gozanti-class cruiser Blood Crow.


After Captain Rik Virgilio was replaced by Rossi, as captain of the Blood Crow, Rossi undertook a tour of the ship with several officers, including Deyland, close behind her. When she reached the Number Two storage bay and opened the hatch, Deyland and the other officers drifting to the sides of the passageway, foreshadowing Rossi's negative reaction to First weapons officer Thrawn storing Clone Wars antiques. When Rossi asked Thrawn for an explanation, Deyland stepped in, but was quickly shut down by Rossi. When Rossi ordered Thrawn to dispose of his artifacts, Thrawn proposed an alternative. Although Rossi attempted to shut down the explanation, Deyland stepped in to insist that Thrawn's proposal be heard. Rossi then reluctantly agreed to listen to Thrawn's proposal, which was that in his collection were two Mark One Pistoeka sabotage droids, which were rare and thus valuable to collectors, and that since they were property of the vessel and since Rossi was the captain of the vessel, the droids were technically hers. Thrawn indicated that they were valuable to officers in Imperial High Command, which Rossi could use for her advantage. In the end, Rossi agreed to Thrawn's proposal, and Deyland was content with the end result.[1]


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