

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
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New Holstice was a location in the galaxy which had medical facilities associated with the Galactic Republic.[1] The people from New Holstice hosted a monument to Jedi lost in service to the Republic.[2]

By the third year of the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the monument, which was a cylindrical habitat of glowing memory moths, could allegedly be seen from orbit given all the Jedi lost in battle.[2] New Holstice was also the site of a battle during the war that the 327th Star Corps displayed courage in under the command of Clone Commander CC-5052 "Bly."[3]

Behind the scenes[]

New Holstice was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 supplement to Fantasy Flight Games' series of Star Wars Roleplaying products.[1] It was originally mentioned in the Star Wars Legends continuity in Star Wars: Republic: The Battle of Jabiim of the Star Wars: Republic comic book series written by Haden Blackman and published by Dark Horse Comics in 2003.[4]


Notes and references[]

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