

This article is about the starship. You may be looking for the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
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"Welcome aboard the Alliance flagship, the Dreadnaught we call New Hope."
―Jan Ors welcomes Kyle Katarn aboard — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]

The New Hope was an antique Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser that was used by the Galactic Empire as a museum. In an act of psychological warfare, it was acquired by the Rebel Alliance and served as their flagship, being the command ship of Mon Mothma.


A Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser[1] measuring over six hundred meters in length, the New Hope was a formidable starship,[2] possessing hull plating thicker than that of an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer and major offensive weaponry.[3] However, by 1 BBY,[6] the New Hope was outdated and poorly-armed despite efforts by the Alliance to Restore the Republic to upgrade its weapons systems.[2]

The ship's corridors were busy with various beings, droids and auto carts. Crewmembers usually hated the ship's meals and most thought the worst was the dinner, although Kyle Katarn specifically hated the breakfast.[2]

The hangar bay was busy full of sights, sounds and smells. Crammed with X-wings, assault shuttles, shuttles, lifeboats, gigs, courier ships and other craft, some of them halfjunked. Noises from cutters, chains, hydrospanners and PA announcements. An overwhelming smell of fumes, paint, metal, chemicals and lubricants permeated the air.[2]

The ship was built to pre-Imperial standards, as did its spacious cabins, some designed for ceremonial Admirals. The furniture in Mothma's cabin was from the previous centuries, and it had its original tapestries, contrasting to her spartan lifestyle.[2][7][8]


"There's a Destroyer out there—let's give her a history lesson."
Captain Tola, during a battle in the Milagro system[3]

After its service was complete, within the first 20 years of the Galactic Empire,[source?] it was placed in orbit around the planet Churba and served as a war museum.[2] By 1 BBY,[6] it had been captured by the Rebel Alliance with the use of four deep-space tugs, and was transferred to a top secret locations. There it was repaired and repurposed; this non-military victory made the Alliance to seem stronger. Renamed the New Hope it was sometimes used as Mon Mothma's command ship and operated thanks to the eagerness of its volunteer crew.[2][7][8]

In 1 BBY,[6] after a recruiting trip on the luxury liner Star of Empire, recently-defected Imperial recruit Kyle Katarn was brought on board the ship in order to be interviewed by Mon Mothma. There, Katarn learned about the existence of the Death Star and was assigned on a mission to Danuta; at the same time, Rebel agent Jan Ors was assigned to that planet by Mothma to spy on Katarn in case he double-crossed them. From the ship's hangar, Katarn took the worn Corellian lighter Moldy Crow for the mission.[2]

New Republic service[]

Following the transformation of the Rebel Alliance into the New Republic in 4 ABY,[9] the New Hope remained Mon Mothma's flagship as she was elected to the position of Chief Councilor of the new government. Months after the Battle of Endor, the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser brought Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa to the desert planet Aridus for a diplomatic meeting with its inhabitants, the Chubbits, encouraging them to join the New Republic. Organa was accompanied aboard the Dreadnaught by the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO, and her brother, the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, who berthed his X-wing starfighter onboard.[1] Around 4 ABY the ship had a complete overhaul.[8]

After Trioculus's attack on Yavin 4 in 5 ABY,[9] the New Republic Provisional Council largely abandoned the Great Temple in favor of mobility. Their base was New Hope skipping between several hideouts such as Noquivzor and the Milagro system.[10]


Jan shows Morgan Katarn's message to Mon Mothma, Luke and Leia.

In 5 ABY the New Hope was not far from medical frigate Mercy which was receiving casualties from Shackel. Mon Mothma with Luke and Leia were discussing the distribution of medical supplies. That time, Jan Ors took a shuttle from Mercy and docked to the Dreadnaught fifteen minutes later, seeking Xiong Wong. "Wires" helped them crack Katarn's holodisk, when Jan learned about the "Valley of the Jedi". Thinking that the Imperial Remnant was after that, she interrupted Mothma's meeting and showed them Katarn's partial message. After some arguments, Mothma agreed to Jan allowing Katarn continue his personal investigations on Sulon, watching his movements.[7]

Around that time, the New Hope moved to Milagro and remained in its orbit for about two months, serving as a space platform for the Rebel Command. From there it dispatched its escorting Battle Group to the Menali system for a mission, leaving it defenseless. But six days later, an Imperial Star Destroyer, entered the system and launched TIE bombers against the dreadnaught. In the ensuing attack, wounded pilots who freshly (or not-yet) recovered in the Mercy were ferried planetside to man some starfighters and join a squadron of New Hope's new X-wings. While waiting for them, the dreadnaught's shields fell and it started receiving damage, such as at turbolaser battery 14, core generator 3 and the compartment A-43. The port sensor array with ten escape pods were lost. During the counterattack, the New Hope lost cooling stack when a TIE pilot crushed on its hull.[8][11]


Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors meet the Heroes of Yavin after the battle of Milagro.

Thanks to the tactics of Skywalker and the support from the Millennium Falcon's group, the Destroyer broke formation and the Hope had the opportunity to engage it directly. During the battle a torpedo penetrated the hull and five minutes later an Imperial fighter happened to crash right there, and broke into the corridor's bulkhead; after the surrender of the Star Destroyer and the victorious outcome, the damage-control party filled the gaps with emergency sealer and pressurized it, while the front part of the ship, and the young pilot's body remained on the corridor for some time after the battle. The corridors were crowded by crews, repair droids and cable runs. Soon after the battle, Katarn and Ors met with the Heroes of Yavin in Mon Mothma's cabin to discuss the developments around Jerec and his quest for the Valley of the Jedi, and planned their next move for Ruusan.[8]


In 1 BBY, the Deck Master was responsible for the hangar bay. Jes was one of the pilots.[2]

By 5 ABY,[12] the New Hope's crew included Chief Warrant Officer Xiong Wong, Lieutenant Commander Olifer, and "Wires."[4] During a battle in the Milagro system, it was under the command of Captain Tola and carried a crack X-wing squadron.[3]


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