



"It's just like a trick we used on Alderaan. Used to keep night-lether flocks from flying into the tallest buildings."
―Azlin Rell[1]

A night-lether was a type of flying creature found on the Core Worlds[1] planet[2] Alderaan during the High Republic Era. They flew in flocks and navigated by sensing magnetic fields.[1] By 382 BBY,[3] Jedi Knight Azlin Rell and his astromech droid, C-9, used reconfigured comms beacons to keep night-lether flocks from flying into tall buildings on Alderaan.[1] That year,[3] while carrying out the same trick to divert a herd of grass sharks, which also navigated by magnetic fields, away from a trade post on the planet Tiikae, Rell recalled the time he and C-9 had used it to keep night-lethers from flying into tall Alderaan buildings to Jedi Padawan Kevmo Zink.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

A night-lether was mentioned in the 2022 young-adult novel The High Republic: Path of Deceit, written by Justina Ireland and Tessa Gratton as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase II.[4]


Notes and references[]
