


"Since there's nothing much below or above the ecliptic around there, that would put his point of origin somewhere in the Senex or Juvex Sector, or in the Ninth Quadrant, say, between the Greeb-Streebling Cluster and the Noopiths."
Han Solo[3]

The Ninth Quadrant was a region of space in the Bozhnee sector of the Outer Rim Territories, near the Senex and Juvex sectors of the Mid Rim.


The Ninth Quadrant included the planets Belsavis, Garnib and Ossel II. It also contained the Greeb-Streebling Cluster and the Noopiths.[1]


"The Ninth Quadrant's pretty isolated; the systems there are far apart. It would be the ideal place for the Jedi Knights to hide their families, once they knew the Emperor was out to destroy them."
Leia Organa Solo[3]

Originally, this area was unclaimed for a large part of galactic history. When the nobles from the adjacent Senex-Juvex felt threatened by the approaching Republic and the forces of Eriadu, they claimed a number of Rimward systems around 700 BBY. They became known as the Ninth Quadrant, a reference to the early days of the Senex-Juvex worlds, which had been divided into eight quadrants.[1]

In the century following the Third Nantama Synod in 553 BBY, the Senex-Juvex were forced to hand the area over to the Republic and it became a part of the Outer Rim's Bozhnee sector. Among spacers, the name "Ninth Quadrant" stuck and among the Senex and Juvex families, the Ninth Quadrant is still referred to as part of the Mid Rim, while officially being part of the Outer Rim.[1]



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