The Nuiri sector was a sector within the Outer Rim[1] that was home to the Stygeon system, a star system that held the planet Stygeon Prime.[2]
- Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 1 (First appearance)
- Star Wars Rebels webcomic
- Droids in Distress book
- Star Wars Rebels — "Rise of the Old Masters"
- The Inquisitor's Trap
- Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide
- Star Wars Rebels: Head to Head
- Star Wars Rebels: Visual Guide: Epic Battles (First identified as Nuiri sector)
- Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 73 (Guide to the Galaxy: Stygeon Prime – The Spire)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 51 (Highlights of the Saga: Duel on Stygeon Prime)
- "Scarif and Other Planets in the Outer Rim" — Star Wars Encyclopedia