Path of the Jedi: A Star Wars Rebels Cinestory Comic is a graphic novel adaptation of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. It was published by Joe Books Ltd on November 14, 2017.
Publisher's summary[]
A graphic novel-style retelling of the Disney XD show Star Wars Rebels.
- ISBN 9781772755046; November 14, 2017; Joe Books Ltd; US paperback[1]
Cover gallery[]
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Path of the Jedi: A Star Wars Rebels Cinestory Comic on (backup link)
- ↑ Star Wars: Galactic Atlas places all the episodes Path of the Jedi: A Star Wars Rebels Cinestory Comic adapts in 4 BBY.
External links[]
- To Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope, Lucasfilm and Joe Books Announce New Cinestory Comic Coming in Fall 2017 on Joe Books Ltd's official website (backup link)
- Path of the Jedi: A Star Wars Rebels Cinestory Comic on (backup link)