

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


"You don't see these much since the Clone Wars, but I'll cut you a deal."
―A Toydarian merchant selling a personal energy shield[1]

Chanath Cha using a personal energy shield

A personal energy shield, also known as a personal deflector shield, was a defensive technology that projected a field of energy that protected the user from blaster fire, the elements, or other hazards. Most were small enough to be worn on a belt or arm, such as the projected energy shield or the Personal Combat Shield, or were designed to be held much like a traditional physical shield, such as the Gungan personal energy shield or the droid commando personal shield.

A droideka deflector shield was developed by the Galactic Empire to minimize ground casualties. The energy field projected from the device protected its user from blaster bolts, however, it provided no protection against kinetic weapons such as grenades and slugthrowers. Although the personal shield was enhanced by the Empire, the Alliance to Restore the Republic saw the technology useful to their cause and also began to utilize it throughout the Galactic Civil War.[2]

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