


Pevel Kronara was a male human admiral of the Galactic Republic's Republic Defense Coalition, commanding the Third Horizon heavy cruiser starship during the High Republic Era. Kronara commanded a Republic fleet during the Battle of Kur against the Nihil pirates.


During the High Republic Era, Pevel Kronara was an admiral of the Galactic Republic's Republic Defense Coalition. He commanded the Third Horizon heavy cruiser starship and, at some point, witnessed a reek hunt on the planet Ylesia.[2]

In 232 BBY,[5] he was present on Starlight Beacon in a tour group led by the Bith administrator Shai Tennem. Tennem introduced Admiral Kronara to the contractors Joss Adren and Pikka Adren. Joss told him that the couple were departing the station on the admiral's ship and he advised the civilians not to be late.[6]

Kronara was onboard the Third Horizon when he received word about the unfolding Great Hyperspace Disaster. He went on the ship's intercom to ask the passengers if anyone was willing to volunteer to provide assistance during the rescue.[6] When the Third Horizon was sent to save the Hetzal system from hyperspace anomalies, Kronara ceded control of the effort to the Jedi Order. Kronara later commanded a Republic fleet during the Battle of Kur, fighting alongside the Jedi Order and the Eriaduans against Nihil pirates led by the Tempest Runner Kassav Milliko.[2]

Personality and traits[]

Pevel Kronara had silver hair, tanned skin, and a hardened face.[1][2] Pikka Adren considered Kronara to be a good, straightforward, hugely competent career soldier.[4]

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Notes and references[]
