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"…This armor is worth far more than your life."
―Phasma and KM-8713[6]

Phasma's armor was the unique stormtrooper armor of the First Order Captain Phasma.[4] Phasma had the armor polished in chromium, which had been salvaged from a Naboo yacht that had once belonged to Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire,[1] the First Order's precursor.[4]

The chromium finish on the armor helped reduce radiation, but Phasma primarily wore it as a symbol of past power. Phasma also wore her armor with a traditional First Order armorweave cape. Her armor's gauntlets were modified and precision-crafted for crushing.[1] Phasma claimed that not even a Wookiee, beings capable of ripping limbs from their sockets with little effort, could crush this armor, though when she was threatened she chose to relent rather than see if her boast was true.[7] Her armor was also blaster fire-proof, as exampled when Rose Tico failed to kill her with an SE-44C blaster pistol.[8]

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Behind the scenes[]

Phasma's armor in The Force Awakens was made of steel because of the character's last-minute addition to the film. On The Last Jedi, costume designer Michael Kaplan's team had time to plate the costume with silver instead.[9]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary
  2. Phasma
  3. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Phasma to 34 ABY. As Phasma's armor is created on Parnassos in a chapter set nine years before the present day events, it must have been forged in 25 ABY.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens
  5. StarWars-DatabankII Captain Phasma in the Databank (backup link) (Note: Phasma's official height is given as 2.0 meters, meaning her armor must be, at least, the same length.)
  6. Age of Resistance - Captain Phasma 1
  7. Star Wars: The Force Awakens novelization
  8. Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi
  9. "Darkness Rises: Captain Phasma," Empire Magazine, January 2018
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