Pizzazz was a short-lived popular-culture magazine published by Marvel Comics from 1977 to 1979. Each issue contained a three-page Star Wars serialized comic. There were two stories published in the magazine, The Keeper's World and The Kingdom of Ice. The latter was incomplete when the magazine was canceled, but would later be completed in black and white in Star Wars Weekly 60 and reprinted in color in Marvel Illustrated Books' Star Wars.
A television commercial for Pizzazz focused on issue 9 and showed the first page of The Final Fury! comic story.[3]
- Pizzazz 1
- Pizzazz 2
- Pizzazz 3
- Pizzazz 4
- Pizzazz 5
- Pizzazz 6
- Pizzazz 7
- Pizzazz 8
- Pizzazz 9
- Pizzazz 10
- Pizzazz 11
- Pizzazz 12
- Pizzazz 13
- Pizzazz 14
- Pizzazz 15
- Pizzazz 16
- Star Wars Year by Year: A Visual Chronicle
- Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, Updated and Expanded Edition
- Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, New Edition