

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


Praesitlyn was an astronomical object situated in the Sluis sector[2] of the Outer Rim Territories. During the High Republic Era, Praesitlyn was located within the Galactic Frontier, a region considered to be remote by the Galactic Republic.[1] In 228 BBY,[3] Praesitlyn and the rest of its sector fell within the Occlusion Zone territory of the Nihil marauders when its Stormwall barrier was expanded following an attempted Republic assault.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

In the current Star Wars canon, Praesitlyn appeared on a map in the sixth issue of the 2023 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, written by Daniel José Older, illustrated by Harvey Tolibao, and published by Dark Horse Comics[2] on May 29, 2024[4] as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative's Phase III.[5] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the world Praesitlyn[6] was first mentioned in the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire, written by Timothy Zahn,[7] and first appeared in the 1998 video game Star Wars: Rebellion.[8]


Notes and references[]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi — Based on corresponding data for the Occlusion Zone
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The High Republic Adventures (2023) 6
  3. Star Wars: Timelines dates Starlight Beacon's destruction to 230 BBY. The implementation of the Guardian Protocols, which Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia places in 229 BBY, took place one week after Starlight Beacon's fall according to The High Republic – Shadows of Starlight 1. As The High Republic Adventures (2023) 4 takes place one year and two weeks after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, it must be set in 228 BBY. Since the events of The High Republic Adventures (2023) 6 are set immediately following the fourth issue's events—and depict the expansion of the Stormwall—the latter event must take place in the same year.
  4. HorselessHeadman Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III #6 on Dark Horse Comics' official website (backup link)
  5. StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  6. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. III, p. 41 ("Praesitlyn")
  7. Heir to the Empire
  8. Star Wars: Rebellion