


Quellegh Industrial was a company that produced non-lethal droid-mounted weaponry during the time of the Jedi Civil War. Quellegh aggressively marketed its products toward rich despots and was close to becoming the standard for publicly-traded stun weaponry designed for use by droids. Its products included the stun ray and the advanced stun ray, which was only available through special order. During the Galactic War, which occurred over three hundred years later, Quellegh Industrial made powerful energy shield generators that could be installed on starships.


Active by the year 3956 BBY,[3] during the Jedi Civil War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Quellegh Industrial was a company that produced non-lethal droid-mounted weapons. By that time, the company was close to becoming the standard in the types of publicly-traded stun weapons that were designed for installation on droids. Quellegh aggressively marketed its stun rays to wealthy despots, a strategy that company officials stated was responsible for Quellegh's success. The company's advanced stun rays were mostly used by elite troops affiliated with governments.[1] Over three hundred years later,[4] during the Galactic War fought between the Republic and another Sith Empire, the company produced powerful energy shield generator for installation on starships.[2]


One of the droid-mounted weapons sold by Quellegh Industrial was a stun ray that could be purchased for around 300 credits from merchants who stocked the weapon. The company also provided an aftermarket modification to the weapon known as an advanced stun ray, which was more effective at stunning living beings. The advanced stun ray was much more expensive to produce and was only available from the company by special order. However, some merchants were able to obtain the weapon, which was sold for around 900 credits when it was available.[1] During the Galactic War, Quellegh Industrial produced high-quality energy shield generators for use on starships.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Quellegh Industrial was first mentioned in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, a 2003 video game produced by BioWare. In the game, the company was only mentioned in the item descriptions for the stun ray and the advanced stun ray.[1] In 2011, the company was briefly referenced in Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare's MMORPG sequel to Knights of the Old Republic. Its only mention is in the description for the Quellegh Industrial Energy Shield, a powerful shield generator that could be equipped on players' personal starships. The schematic that allows players to create the shield generator can only be obtained through high-level slicing crew skill missions.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Star Wars: The Old Republic
  3. Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
  4. The Jedi Civil War took place in 3,956 BBY according to the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. SWTOR mini STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Question ! :) - Page 3 on The Old Republic's official website (backup link) places Star Wars: The Old Republic about ten to twelve years after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, which is dated to 3653 BBY by Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia. The Old Republic—The Lost Suns 2 takes place ten years after the treaty, one week after the mission to Nar Shaddaa, and around the time of the SpecForce Incident. Since the mission and the incident are respectively part of Act I of the Jedi Knight and Republic Trooper's storylines, and the Trooper's Act I occurs concurrent to Act I of the Smuggler storyline, the general events of Act I for all classes can be assumed to occur in 3643 BBY. The Prologue for each class immediately precedes Act I, and The Old Republic Encyclopedia places the Battle of Ilum at the end of Act III in 3640 BBY. Assuming that in-universe chronology of the Star Wars: The Old Republic events roughly aligns with the release of story content in real-life as with SWTOR mini Forums: Dear Story Team, What Year Are We Currently In? on The Old Republic's official website (backup link), the Act III Epilogue must take place near the end of 3640 BBY since it was the chronologically latest story of the The Old Republic base game, which was released toward the end of 2011. Therefore, assuming that The Old Republic takes place over the course of three years per the former of the two aforementioned swtor.com posts, Act I takes place near the end of 3643 BBY. The Galactic War starts during Act II of the game, which means that there was at least three hundred and fourteen years between the Jedi Civil War and the energy shield generator's production.