

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

R5-A2 was an R5 series astromech droid[2] with orange and white paneling and black sensors.[3] It stood 97 centimeters tall and, like all R-series units, was manufactured by Industrial Automaton.[1] In 0 BBY,[4] it was present in the spaceport of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine, where it rolled across[3] the intersection of Corporations Road and Dune Street[5] in front of a group of Imperial stormtroopers questioning the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and the moisture farmer Luke Skywalker while the pair sat in a X-34 landspeeder.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

R5-A2 first appeared in the 1977 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.[3] The droid's scene was shot between April 2 and April 4, 1976 on location in Djerba, Tunisia.[6] In the new Star Wars canon, the droid was first identified in the online description for the 2018 LEGO set "Sandcrawler 75220." The set depicted R5-A2 as being on board the Jawa sandcrawler in A New Hope,[2] something not depicted in the film,[3] with a non-canon character entry on LEGO's website explaining that the droid was captured by Jawas after roaming the streets of Mos Eisley and was brought to the sandcrawler to be sold for scrap.[7]

The droid's name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first used on a card in the 1996 A New Hope Limited expansion released for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.[8] In the multiplayer mode of the 2017 video game Star Wars Battlefront II, multiple astromechs identical to R5-A2 can be encountered on the Mos Eisley map.[9]



Non-canon sources[]

Notes and references[]

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