R5-F7 was an astromech droid serving onboard Gold Four Lieutenant Lepira's BTL Y-wing starfighter, flying point for Gold Squadron during the assault on the first Death Star at the Battle of Yavin and fending off Imperial fighters to clear a path for the Rebels to reach the Death Star's vulnerable exhaust port. R5-F7 was destroyed during the battle along with Lepira when their starfighter was shot down.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
This astromech was first identified when it was released as a Hasbro action figure as part of a 2007 Toys "R" Us exclusive. It was packaged with a BTL Y-wing starfighter that also included Lepira.[1]
R5-F7 was made as a LEGO® minifigure in 2012. However, he was mistakenly positioned as Dutch Vander's astromech.[2] The minifigure also appeared in the 2013 LEGO® Advent calendar under day number one.[3]
Non-canon appearances[]
Star Wars: 30th Anniversary Collection (Pack: Y-wing Fighter) (backup link) (First identified as R5-F7)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
LEGO Classic Star Wars (Set: 9495 Gold Leader's Y-wing Starfighter)
- Star Wars: The Ultimate Action Figure Collection
LEGO Star Wars (Set: 75023 Star Wars Advent Calendar)