- "Rapier Squadron...Punch it!"
- ―Commander Poe Dameron
Rapier Squadron was a T-85 X-wing starfighter squadron that served as part of the New Republic's starfleet. The squadron was led by Commander Poe Dameron.[1] The four-member squadron was assigned to patrol the Mirrin sector and protect its trade lanes from the Hutts, the Guavian Death Gang,[1] and Kanjiklub.[4] Following the Skirmish in OR-Kappa-2722, Rapier Squadron transferred to the Resistance and was based on the refitted MC80 Star Cruiser Echo of Hope.[1]
- "Woo-hoo-hoo! That's it, Rapier Squadron! Show these pirates who's boss!"
- ―Poe Dameron, to Rapier Squadron during a battle in the Mirrin sector
Rapier Squadron was a New Republic X-Wing squadron led by Poe Dameron before his move to the Resistance. They participated in patrols for the Republic and witnessed the capture of the Yissira Zyde by the First Order in the Mirrin sector. Rapier Squadron engaged the hijackers, but the First Order successfully commandeered the ship and entered hyperspace. Muran was caught in the ship's wake, and his X-wing starfighter was destroyed before he could eject.[1]
- Age of Resistance - Poe Dameron 1
- "Kidnapped!" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 24
- Before the Awakening (First appearance)
- Poe and the Missing Ship
- Poe Dameron: Flight Log
- Star Wars: The Rebel Files
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 74 (Weapons & Uniforms: Black Squadron)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 75 (Databank A-Z: The X-wing Starfighter)
- Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
- Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual
- "The Saga of Rey" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
- "BB-8 and Other Astromech Droids" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 3 (Pilots and Crew Members: Poe Dameron)
- "Starships of the First Order and the Resistance" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
- "Princess Leia Organa" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars: Timelines