

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


Rawwks were a type of creature found on the gas giant Bespin. They flitted among the algal trees that grew in the breathable upper atmosphere of the planet[2] and nested on vast floating beldons,[3] preying[1] upon schools of air shrimp.[2] Rawwks had a small body and two wings covered in tan and blue feathers. Their head consisted of two eyes with small crests above them and a large mouth with teeth. The creatures also possessed a three pronged blue tail[1] and were blue-and-red tipped.[2]

An illustration of a rawwk was included on a map of Bespin thought to have been drawn by the artist Gammit Chond based purely on travelers' tales. The map was later restored and published by the Graf Archive at some point after 34 ABY.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

In the new Star Wars canon, rawwks were first mentioned in the 2015 reference book Ultimate Star Wars.[4] The creatures were then pictured in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, which was written by Emil Fortune and illustrated by Tim McDonagh.[1] Rawwks originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where they were created by Kevin J. Anderson for the 1994 novel Jedi Search.[5]

The first depiction of a rawwk in Legends appeared in the Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition, a 1997 supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games.[6] The creatures were then visually redeisgned by Terryl Whitlatch for the 1999 reference book The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide[7] and it is this look that was used for the current canon.[1]


Notes and references[]

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