"Return to Hoth" is a story featuring Darth Vader written by Frank Tieri and illustrated by Danny Earls. The story was published in the fourth issue of the anthology miniseries Star Wars: Darth Vader – Black, White & Red, that was published by Marvel Comics on July 26, 2023.
Illustrator Danny Earls shared behind the scenes images of the work on "Return to Hoth."[4]
Characters | Organisms | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Droid models
Organizations and titles
Sentient species
Vehicles and vessels
Weapons and technology
- Superstar Artist Kevin Eastman Brings Darth Vader Back to Hoth in New 'Star Wars: Darth Vader – Black, White & Red' #4 Cover on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Darth Vader – Black, White & Red 4
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Star Wars: Darth Vader – Black, White & Red (2023) #4 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
- ↑ "Return to Hoth" takes palce between the Battle of Hoth and Battle of Endor, which are dated to 3 ABY and 4 ABY, respectively, by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas.
- ↑ Danny Earls (@dannyearls16) on Twitter: "Anatomy of a page! Darth Vader, Black, White and Red page 4 Layouts, pencils, inks and colours!" (backup link)