


Warning: This infobox has missing parameters: type and unrecognized parameters: era, class

"I want a Rogue-class starfighter with elite weapons, cloaking device, the works."
Cad Bane, to Darth Sidious[src]

The Rogue-class starfighter, also known as the MagnaGuard fighter, was a starfighter model used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.


During Dooku's plan to bring the Hutt Clans to the Confederacy during the Clone Wars, Dooku had several of his MagnaGuard fly several of these. Though the fighters were destroyed, they were successful in shooting down Jedi General Skywalker's ship, the Twilight.[3]

Cad Bane was then given one by his Sith Lord client, Darth Sidious, equipped with a cloaking device.[1] Bane then used to kidnap two children from Rodia and Glee Anslem, taking them to Mustafar. Bane and his ship were then captured by Skywalker and his apprentice on Naboo. Onboard the Resolute, Skywalker and Tano searched his ship, eventually discovering that he also went to Mustafar.[4]

At some point, Bane was able to reclaim his fighter, using it during his work for the Hutts.[5] Bane and his droid, Todo 360, then used it track Ziro to his father's grave on Teth.[6]

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