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"Saché. You were tortured by the Trade Federation. You know how to endure. But now you have a wife and children. […] You also want safety—for them."
Sly Moore[7]

Saché, born Sashah Adova, was a female human who served as one of the handmaidens of Amidala, Queen of Naboo. During the Invasion of Naboo, Saché and Yané remained behind as her sovereign and the other handmaidens fled Naboo with Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Whilst she remained on Naboo, Saché carried messages for a resistance group until she was caught by droids and subject to interrogation by the Trade Federation, which resulted in a large collection of scars around her neck, body and arms. During the interrogation, Saché saved the lives of members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces by refusing to name them.

The Royal Security Forces repaid Saché's bravery with loyalty second only to Amidala and, after she announced her intention to run for a seat in the planetary legislative assembly, it was done with their full support. In 28 BBY, the same year Amidala's term as queen ended, Saché was accepted into the assembly and moved into a home with Yané. Around 24 BBY, they became married.

Saché became an influential member of Queen Réillata's government and, when Governor Sio Bibble finally retired following Amidala's death in 19 BBY, Saché was the favorite to succeed him. However, under self-proclaimed Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine's decree, the election was suspended and a new position was created to oversee the daily operations of the Naboo government, a position granted to former Captain Quarsh Panaka, the man who trained Amidala, Saché and the handmaidens for their security arrangement.


Early life[]

Meeting Quarsh Panaka[]

"Who are you? I haven't seen you on stage this week."
"My name is Sashah. They didn't give me a part and they forgot to assign me a backstage job, and I didn't want to be here in the first place, so I am taking the week to learn more about how people work."
"I think you're doing okay with that. No one else has figured out what I'm doing and I've been looking for a week. My name is Panaka."
―Quarsh Panaka and Sashah Adova[3]

Quarsh Panaka hired Sashah Adova to become handmaiden to the recently elected Queen Amidala

Sashah Adova,[3] a human[1] female,[3] was born on the planet Naboo[1] in the year 44 BBY. In 32 BBY,[2] when she was twelve years old, she was recruited by Captain Quarsh Panaka of the Royal Naboo Security Forces to serve as one of the handmaidens for newly-elected Queen Padmé Amidala.[3]

Panaka first encountered Adova at an acting workshop, where she hadn't been given a part or a backstage job. Not having wanted to be there in the first place, instead being sent there because her parents thought forcing her to speak in public might do her some good, Adova spent the week trying to learn more about how people worked. Panaka visited during his search for qualified handmaidens. After he quite literally tripped over Adova hiding in an alcove, he became intrigued by both her and her advice on one of the other girls at the workshop, Eirtama Ballory. Adova figured out that Panaka's main issue with Ballory was that she was blonde, while Amidala was a brunette, and pointed out that having a blonde in the group would have an advantage as if Panaka only picked girls who looked like Amidala then she would never be able to change her appearance without standing out. Adova then introduced herself to Panaka and suggested that he come see the play later that night so that he could see Ballory in "action". When Panaka inquired as to what kind of action a set designer would see during a performance, Adova merely said that Ballory had told them several times what they were doing wrong but they hadn't listened, which piqued Panaka's curiosity.[3]

Panaka then turned the conversation towards Adova, pointing out her own physical similarity to Amidala, Adova pointed out that she was too small, being only twelve while Amidala was fourteen, and that Panaka needed people who could draw attention and fade into the background while she could only do the latter. Panaka pointed out that she had caught his attention, only for Adova to point out that it was because she had spoken to him first, as she had always sat there and this was the first time he had noticed her, which Panaka countered by saying she had given him excellent advice, choosing her moment and taking advantage of it. Adova appeared to think for a moment, before agreeing to go with him. She then asked him when they would be leaving, Panaka stating the next day and that there would likely be three of them, then announcing that she would would get her things. Adova then asked if Panaka had a lie for her parents, as they would wonder if she disappeared to Theed, with Panaka advising her to tell them she was shadowing a government official, as it was more or less the truth, and that everything else was confidential. Adova agreed before bidding him farewell and entering the building for the workshop.[3]

Panaka later surmised that she had tripped him on purpose in order to sneakily convince him that she was right for the job, which she had wanted all along.[3]

Serving as Handmaiden[]

Introduction to court life[]

"Rabene Tonsort, gifted actress and artist. Eritama Ballory, scientist and engineer; and Sashah Adova-"
―Panaka, introducing Adova and her fellow handmaidens to Amidala and Tsabin.[3]

Along with Ballory, Rabene Tonsort, and Suyan Higin, Adova was introduced to Amidala at the end of her second week on the throne. Panaka introduced Adova last, unsure how to explain his reasoning that the girl, who was younger than the Queen and all the other candidates, was qualified. Amidala subsequently brought the girls to her apartment in the Theed Royal Palace to speak with them privately, alongside her first handmaiden, Tsabin.[3]


Adova served Queen Amidala as one of her several handmaidens

There, after having thanked Panaka, Amidala took her new handmaidens into the sitting room of her suite to discuss the details of their new positions, and what Amidala hoped for from them. Amidala introduced herself as Padmé and stated that, while she imagined that Captain Panaka had explained the dangerous aspects of the position well enough, Amidala was hoping for something else in addition to bodyguards. Adova then stated, in a dreamy voice, that it wasn't an addition but an expansion which Amidala agreed with but that it was also a collaboration as Panaka had selected each of them because they possessed talents that Amidala didn't. Amidala wished to take that beginning and make the group into something stronger.[3]

The girls went on to state the reasons Panaka hired them but Adova instead explained to Amidala that Panaka thought the girls would work for him directly as an extension of the Royal Security Forces, not understanding the Queen's wishes, and that he had something on Tonsort that he thought he could use to control her. Adova was correct and Tonsort admitted to her past as an art forger leaving Higin scandalised.[3]

The girls then discussed Panaka's paranoia and Amidala stating that she wished to keep it contained as, while she wanted to be prepared for anything, she didn't want to become so afraid of her own shadow that she gave up the parts of her that wanted to stay idealistic and hopeful as that's why she wanted to be queen, to show that Naboo could be strong in its own traditions and a part of the galactic community. Adova then stated that they would be her shadow.[3]


Adova pushed Eirtama Ballory towards changing her name

Tonsort suggested that the handmaidens all take new names, as they were all keeping secrets from their families and everyone else on the planet, as well as noting her own slight notoriety. When Amidala asked if Tonsort had any suggestions, Tsabin suggested names that matched Amidala's given one, which she had to give up to become queen. Tonsort agreed with Tsabin's idea, saying that most people would hear that many ehs in a row and wouldn't be able to tell how many of them there were, let alone who was who.[3]

Ballory was hesitant, as she liked her own name and she wanted to become famous. Tonsort stated that it had to be all of them or none otherwise it wouldn't work, and that Ballory could make her name famous after if she really wanted to. Though Amidala herself was understanding, knowing how strange it was to hear someone call you by a new name, she herself didn't have a choice so she wasn't going to force Ballory but Adova critically noted that if Ballory wanted to become famous under her real name, the position of handmaiden was not for her; her words led Ballory to acquiesce to the idea.[3]

Adova, noting her position as the youngest of the handmaidens and the least likely to be called on as Amidala's stand-in, volunteered to be the Queen's page which would mean being someone who could run errands for Amidala and to be seen by others all the time to not appear suspicious. When Tonsort suggested that the disguised Amidala should also be a page, allowing other people to see her so they won't get suspicious when there's another girl around the Queen. Adova also volunteered to help ease a reluctant Panaka into the idea, stating that she would be the primary page so that would help. When it came time to pick her new name, she dubbed herself Saché, the lowly page.[3]

Early days as handmaiden[]

"The shoulders are a good idea. No one will pay too much attention to her face, even if they try. Their eyes will always be drawn off."
"Thank you."
―Saché and Yané while preparing Sabé to impersonate Amidala[3]
Yane edited

Saché developed feelings for her fellow handmaiden Yané

As the handmaidens began a rotation of sharing bedrooms, Saché refused to share one with Higin—now Yané—yet would not admit to Yané or the group why; Yané agreed with her, but likewise would not provide a reason. Frustrated, Amidala agreed to a rotation that kept the pair separate despite not understanding why it seemed so personal. Although Saché and Yané did not explain themselves, they had both developed an interest in the other. This annoyed Tonsort, now Rabé, as she and Ballory, now Eirtaé, had created a randomiser for the schedule so that no one handmaiden was ever in the same place for two days in a row. Eventually Rabé added it to the randomiser program to that they'd never have to sleep in the same room. The next three days, Saché had Rabé's favourite sweets sent up with their evening tea as way of an adequate apology.[3]

After the first two weeks in the palace Yané stated they would try leaving the Queen's suite with Tsabin, now going as Sabé, disguised as Amidala. On the morning, when Amidala had no public appearances, Saché left the suite and returned three times on various errands wearing a set of light blue, before leaving the suite with the others. Sabé wore a dress, overtop the same set of light blue robes that Saché and Amidala had worn when they were seen leaving the room earlier before, and also wore a wide triangular piece that rested against the back of her shoulders and her head something that Saché complimented Yané on, after she was done applying Sabé's makeup, as it meant that no one would pay too much attention to her face and even if they tried to their eyes would always to drawn off it. The group then moved to the Queen's library and passed Panaka on the way who appeared to see through Sabé's disguise.[3]

The handmaidens decided to come up with a distinct voice for Amidala to lessen the chances of the switch being discovered with them all attempting to match Sabé's tones despite them all having higher tones than her with Saché struggling the most as her vocal cords could only do so much.[3]

A new routine[]

"We've been trying to be like each other physically. We've practiced walking and talking and dressing and standing and thinking. What if we tried…something more practical?"
"How much more practical than walking can you get?"
"In the evenings, before bed. We sit around and talk or read. What if it was someone's task to read out loud, and the rest of us learned each other's hobbies? We pick up extra skills, it gives us something to do, and it might let us understand the way each of us thinks."
―Saché and Eirtaé[3]
Theed Palace full

Saché stayed at the Theed Royal Palace with her fellow handmaidens and Amidala

As time went on, the situation with Saché and Yané didn't change, with Amidala and the others continuing to be unaware as to what was really going on. They were friendly enough to each other, but Saché refusing to be left alone with her and refused to explain why, though Yané did not appear to take offense. When the pair would be gently teased on the matter, Saché would become uncomfortable and Yané would shut down eventually causing the others to give up and accept it as as a personality quirk such as how Eirtaé would tinker with small electronics and how Rabé had a tendency to whistle when she was thinking, all being issues which the group ignored and allowed the annoyances to build up.[3]

This eventually came to a head when Saché caught a cold which Yané had caught the week before and despite the med-droid recommending that the two shared a room until the symptoms passed Saché refused point-blank which caused tensions with Eirtaé who was forced to move out of the room as a result. Yané snapped at Eirtaé as she said she thought that Eirtaé would appreciate the chance to write a more complicated program causing Eirtaé to respond that her life was already complicated enough before sarcastically thanking Yané. Eirtaé then bemoaned that she could have been apprenticing in the eastern quadrants helping to build bridges but was instead with Saché and Yané who "can't even be sick together." Saché then apologised and offered to move in with Yané but this further frustrated Eirtaé as she stated that she had already packed causing Sabé to ask what exactly she'd packed as they all shared a closet.[3]

In order to stop a further rise in tensions, Amidala intervened, thanking Saché for seeing the other side and stating that she knew it wouldn't be easy for her to do something that makes her uncomfortable before Saché left for the room that Yané had been staying in. When Saché returned, now wearing a mask over her mouth and nose, she overheard Sabé stating that Saché wasn't good at doing Amidala's voice. Saché miserably agreed and stated that she simply couldn't so they'd all have to accept it as there was no point in changing the whole plan simply because one of them couldn't do it and that she'd just never be the Queen. Rabé thought it over before agreeing.[3]

When Rabé asked Eirtaé how this would affect her algorithm, Sabé stated "to hell" with the algorithm as she was sick of planning every move and them all pretending to be each other so that they could fool the guards and everyone else in an emergency that she believed might never happen. As Yané re-entered the room, also wearing a covering on the lower half of her face, she stated that it wasn't that simple as Panaka had brought them there to be ready and Amidala had let them choose how they were going to do it as well they knew what they were signing on for when they took the job. Amidala then suggested that they change the job, as they hadn't been at it long enough to perfect it, and asked the group what they should do instead.[3]

Saché then thought aloud that they had been trying to be like each other physically and had practiced walking, talking, dressing, standing and thinking so suggested that they try something more practical. When Eirtaé asked how much more practical than walking they could get, Saché stated that in the evenings, before they went to bed, the group sat around and talked or read so suggested having someone tasked with reading aloud and the rest of them learned each other's hobbies. Saché explained that this would allow them to pick up extra skills, give them something to do and might let them understand the way each of them thinks.[3]


Rabé offered to teach Amidala, Saché and the other handmaidens lock picking

Rabé offered to teach the group how to pick locks, though Yané argued that that wasn't really a hobby, as she stated that none of the things she did for fun were really hobbies and that at least lock picking "might come in handy someday." Saché agreed that it was a start before asking Amidala for her opinion. Amidala briefly thought it over, seeing that the group were "learning each other's, but not each other's heart" and that Saché's plan might allow the group to become closer and form bonds, before agreeing and stating that they would start with lock picking. The group then began with Saché's plan, with Amidala asking Panaka for several complicated lockplates and a wide selection of embroidery threads, which made things a little easier for the group from then on.[3]

A few days after the group had settled into their new routine, Amidala left for a tour of the agricultural provinces accompanied by all her handmaidens dressed in flame-colored robes and placed throughout the column so that nobody would know who was where at any given moment. Saché attended in her page persona. On the fifth day of the tour, Saché accompanied Amidala as she and her accompaniment passed fields of rotting grain. The group consisting of Saché, Amidala, Graf Zapalo, Sio Bibble, Panaka, the advisors and Bibble's chief aide traveled in an open speeder with eight seats, though Amidala's dress took up a whole row, and Saché was preached on the jump seat at the front which faced backward allowing her the clearest views of everyone else's faces.[3]

By this point, the government officials had stopped paying attention to Saché unless they needed something. During the conversation Saché noted to herself that Bibble was pleased, Panaka was "carefully neutral", the advisors weren't thrilled but also weren't openly opposed and Amidala appeared to still be turning the matter over. When Amidala turned her face upward, Saché was able to tell that Amidala was thinking of the other planets in the Chommell sector and that she wasn't going to stop until she had what she wanted. When Amidala looked down, she met Saché's gaze causing Saché to nod, barely moving her head, showing that the handmaidens would help her get whatever it was she wanted.[3]


"This is why Panaka thinks he's aged ten years since the election. This right here."
―Saché to Eirtaé and Sabé[3]

Eventually Amidala decided to host a summit on Naboo with the other leaders of the Chommell Sector. In the lead up to the summit, Panaka had several security measures added to the palace such as having a blaster placed within the palace throne. After discussing the matter with Panaka, Amidala, Sabé and Eirtaé returned to the suite and Amidala sat in a chair it the sitting room where Saché and Yané helped her remove the headpiece she was wearing. When Saché later returned from the dressing room she told Amidala that many of the advisers were coming around to the idea as several of them were asked about the summit after the day's legislative session and all had managed to answer without looking like they disapproved. This caused Rabé to joke that she knew that there was a reason that Bibble kept being elected.[3]

Eirtaé then started working on a sketch for the blaster cabinets for the throne and spoke to the others about her plans until she started being second guessed by Sabé. Eirtaé snarky told Sabé to let her build a prototype before she dismissed it completely stating that Sabé was missing the whole point and was starting to think that she was doing it on purpose. Amidala then asked Rabé if she could pick nonmechanical locks Rabé stated that it was more closer to slicing than picking but of course she could.[3]

Yané and Rabé brought several of Amidala's jewellery boxes, from the dressing room, which had nonmechanical locks and they all took turns trying to break the locks without destroying the boxes. As Saché finally cracked open her own box, she gleefully laughed that at least they hadn't needed to ask Panaka for them causing Rabé to agree that she imagined that he would have a few questions before suggesting that Saché see if she could pick the lock in less than two minutes. After another hour their times were consistently within Rabé's targets by which time Eirtaé had almost finished building a scale model of the throne with the modifications that she wanted to add.[3]

When Sabé attempted to test the problem she had thought she had identified she found that it didn't exist and realised that Eirtaé had changed it. Eirtaé stated that of course she had as just because she still didn't think that it was a weakness didn't mean that she was going to let it pass. Sabé then exclaimed that Eirtaé could have stated something with Eirtaé stating that she hadn't wanted to miss the expression on Sabé's face at that moment. This caused Saché to state this was why Panaka thought he had aged ten years since the election causing Eirtaé to toast to the next ten years, using her teacup, and Sabé to the next ten years after that.[3]

Summit on Naboo[]

Amidala's summit with the Chommell did not have the high level of attendance that she was hoping, though Bibble was pleased with the turnout, however several people attended the summit at the palace including Governor Kelma of Karlinus and the daughter of Jafan's planetary director, Harli Jafan. The handmaidens began preparing Amidala for the state dinner two hours beforehand with Saché and Eirtaé laying out the dress for her that Eirtaé had designed.[3]

During the dinner, all five of the handmaidens sat at the table with Amidala as a deliberate show of tryst by Amidala to give them a chance to figure out their rouse and see what they would do with the information. The handmaidens were spread throughout the room with Saché seated with a clear view of Tobruna, the representative from Kreeling, and Nitsa Tulin, the ambassador from Chommell Minor.[3]

The next day, Saché was present in the palace throne room when Amidala received welcoming remarks from her invited guests. Saché watched as the delegates discussed Naboo's relations with the other planets such as Jafan. Afterwards Amidala and her handmaidens except for Sabé who had left to spend time with Harli returned to the suite.[3]


Sabé offered to bring back a souvenir for Saché from the Neurotransmitter Affection concert at the Theed Odeon

Sabé returned to the suite half an hour later looking rather breathless. Rabé and Eirtaé teased Sabé about her romantic feelings for Harli with Eirtaé saying it was very good of Sabé to pay so much attention to ‘relations', which caused Yané to blush while Saché looked uncomfortable as she wasn't in a particularly good mood as she had been struggling with a stomachache all day. Sabé then announced that the band Neurotransmitter Affection was play at the Theed Odeon that night and as one of Harli Jafan's cousins sang backup she was able to get them into the concert, which greatly excited Eirtaé and Yané.[3]

Though Harli most likely only ment to invite Sabé and her fellow handmaidens the group started discussing weather Amidala should join them. Saché stated that she would be staying behind as she didn't feel well and she didn't particularly like loud noises and crowds. Sabé grandly promised to bring back a souvenir for Saché before asking for any ideas as to how to sneak Amidala out of the palace. They eventually decided that Sabé, Yané and Eirtaé would leave with Harli through the front of the palace would go out the Queen's library using the grappling cable that Panaka had left for them in one of the drawers on the side of the room.[3]

Before Amidala and the others left for the concert, they made sure that Saché was comfortable as her stomachache had become so bad that she had curled up on Amidala's bed, feeling desolate and too wrenched to move. Yané said, while brushing Saché's hair off her face which she surprising didn't flinch away from, that they would call a med-droid for her if her stomach was still hurting in the morning stating that it couldn't be food poisoning as Saché wasn't being sick and they had all ate the same thing. Saché told them that they should get going as she knew Neurotransmitter Affection always had an amazing opening light show. After Sabé, Yané and Eirtaé left Rabé made Amidala wait fifteen minutes before the pair left under the guise of wanting a quite night in reading about ore processing with Amidala pretending to be Saché.[3]

However Saché's stomachache was actually caused because she was coming on her first period which also triggered one of sensors in the girls room, this one designed to detect the presence of blood. When the sensor went off, Panaka and his wife, Mariek, they came into the Queen's suite to investigate, scaring Saché and causing her to scream. When Panaka demanded to know where Amidala was, Saché flinched and started blinking trying to wake herself up more quickly. Mariek tried to clam Panaka down telling him to go to the guards in the hallway and tell them that there was no emergency though Panaka evidently disagreed that there was no emergency as he had no idea where the Queen was he still did as his wife had instructed.[3]


An example of a sewing needle

After Panaka had left, Mariek sat down on the edge of the bed and told Saché that he was upset because the alarm had pulled him away from a fresh Denta bean bun which caused Saché to laugh at the idea that Panaka would ever choose desert over his duty. Mariek then explained that it was the blood alarm, which the girls were already aware of after an incident where Eirtaé had set it off when she pricked her finger with a needle while sewing, and that she didn't believe it was a sewing accident this time. Saché was puzzled for a moment before connecting the alarm to her cramps and looking under the sheets causing her to blush in embarrassment. Saché quietly told Mariek that they kept absorption pads in the bathroom which had instructions on the packaging that she could figure out. Mariek then took the bedsheets out and retrieved some new bedding and fresh clothes for Saché.[3]

Saché came out to speak to Panaka a few minutes later, wrapped in a housecoat and looking deeply embarrassed as she stared at the captain's boots. Without needing to be promoted, Saché explained to Panaka that there was a concert on at the Odeon which was where the other girls had gone. Though Saché didn't want to reveal her friends secret, she couldn't see any way around it so, when Panaka demanded to know how they had gotten out of the palace, Saché explained how Sabé, Yané and Eirtaé had left with Harli beforehand and Rabé and Amidala had left from the library. When Panaka calmly stated that the library was on the fifth floor on the palace, Saché gestured towards the window seat in the room and told Panaka that Yané had found the grappling cable weeks before which was what Rabé and Amidala used. Though Mariek made a sound akin to a snort, Panaka placed his face in his hands. After taking a moment to think about it, Panaka told Saché that they were not going to cause a scene and that she was going to call Amidala and tell her to come back as well as to tell her to come back the same way she left as to not make a spectacle. Saché quitely agreed. Mariek then asked how Amidala was disguised as if the group was with Harli Jafan then she must have taken some precautions. Saché then explained that they had gone as "themselves", with no one knowing who they were, that night they were just girls. Panaka then told Saché to call Amidala so Saché took her comlink out of her pocket and held it in her palm before she called Amidala, telling her to come home and that they'd been "blown."[3]

When Amidala and Rabé returned to the palace, Yané and Eirtaé having stayed behind to wait for Sabé, who had been dancing with Harli when Amidala had received Saché's message, in order to leave with her, they went to the sitting room in their suite where Saché, Panaka and Mariek were waiting for them. Saché was witness to an argument between Amidala and Panaka as the latter disapproved of Amidala's decision to sneak out of the palace without alerting him or taking any guards. After the confrontation was over, Mariek announced that she was late for her shift and and that Saché probably wanted to go back to bed before pulling her husband out of his seat so that they could leave together. Once they were gone, Rabé put her feet up on a little table and Saché said that she had ruined a bedsheet while Amidala was covered in glitter which, combined with her adrenaline wearing off, caused Amidala to laugh until she cried.[3]

The next day, the handmaidens found that they were unable to get the glitter off Amidala's hands, which had come from a glitter-lit she had accidentally broken at the concert the night before, with Yané being unable to cover it up with makeup and Eirtaé being unable to come up with a cleanser that wouldn't dissolve Amidala's skin as well. Saché had protested that it was daylight, asking how it was still glowing and Eirtaé explaining that it was a secret recipe with her having to slice into the manufacturer's database to find the ingredients. Being unable to remove the glitter and not being able to wear gloves without possibly offending Tobruna, the handmaidens and the Queen decided that Sabé would have to fill in for Amidala for the day. As the group helped Sabé and Padmé switch, Saché helped Amidala and Eirtaé into muted blue robes with wide sleeves.[3]

After the summit was over, Saché and the others went to bed while Sabé was helped out of her clothes by Yané. That night Saché was meant to share a room with Amidala but while Amidala was reading and Saché was already under the covers, Sabé burst into the room. Sabé was mad at Amidala as she had received an angry and hurtful note from Harli Jafan who had attempted to kiss Amidala, mistaking her for Sabé, before the Queen had rebuffed her. Saché was awake during the exchange and she and the other handmaidens watched as the two argued. When Sabé moved to sit down on the bed, Saché pulled her legs up to make room next to her. When Amidala stated that she thought that she should avoid going out in her page disguise from then on, Sabé stated that she was sad enough Saché missed the concert and if Amidala hadn't come either then it hardly would have been worth it. After Sabé had calmed down, she asked Saché if she could switch with her for the night, half expecting her fellow handmaiden to refuse as it would mean she had to share with Yané. Saché quietly stated that she would only do it this once causing Yané to look down at her hands. Saché and the rest of the handmaidens left the room shortly after.[3]

Invasion of Naboo[]

"And then those damn droids caught her. Some statistical analysis of her movements or something. They took her away, and it was horrible. We could hear her screaming for hours, and we figured it was only a matter of time before they came for us. Only they never did, because she never gave us up."
―Mariek Panaka[4]

Saché stood at Queen Amidala's side during the Invasion of Naboo.

Early in Amidala's reign, Naboo was invaded by the Trade Federation.[1] Amidala and Tsabin, now known as Sabé, switched places as the invasion forces closed in on Theed. Saché did the elder handmaiden's hair as part of the deception.[4] When Amidala, her handmaidens and her guards were rescued from the battle droids that had captured them by the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi,[1] Saché and Yané stayed behind on Naboo with elements of the Royal Security Forces that led a resistance against the occupation[4] as Amidala and company escaped to Coruscant to rally assistance.[1]

During the occupation, Saché helped the resistance maintain coded communications using a system devised by Yané. Saché and Yané soon confessed their mutual affections to each other while sharing a cot. Early on, they managed to pass a coded message to the queen when Saché asked Bibble to tell Amidala a specific phrase: "the death toll is catastrophic." The word "toll" was a pre-arranged alert word, which would let Amidala know that one of the handmaidens left behind on Naboo was still alive and that she could concentrate on her own mission. Satisfied that Saché's feigned terror would tug at the queen's heartstrings, Gunray agreed that the message would be sent. Saché also carried messages around the prison camp. She was eventually captured by the droid forces and tortured for information, but she held out and refused to name any Royal Security Forces members, such as Mariek Panaka.[3] Amidala eventually returned to Naboo with the Jedi, upon which Saché and Yané were reunited with her and the other handmaidens. The regrouped royal party travelled to the swamps to enlist the aid of the Gungans in driving the Trade Federation out.[1]

Life after being a handmaiden[]

Forging her own path[]

"It is easy to make light of it now that the troubles have passed, but I think we both know where you learned much of what you know. The people will respect you for that, and I trust you will not take undue advantage of their loyalty."
―Sio Bibble, after Saché's election to the Planetary Legislative Assembly[4]

When Queen Amidala stepped down, Saché ran for a seat in the Planetary Legislative Assembly and won. She and Yané moved into a home together, a large house purchased by Yané to foster children who were orphaned by their homeworld's occupation. Saché worked closely with Sio Bibble, who was a friend and mentor to her. She also stayed in touch with Amidala and the other three handmaidens. Some time after Amidala became a Senator, Saché invited her and all of the handmaidens to a dinner party she hosted in the southwest hall in the Naboo royal palace. Yané was the only one unable to attend due to staying at their home to take care of the twins she was fostering. Although Saché was disappointed that Yané could not attend, she told Amidala how proud she was of Yané.[4]

Around 24 BBY,[10] Saché and Yané got married. Yané's designs for their garments incorporated their wedding fabric in accordance with Naboo tradition, with each wearing some of the other's fabric. Their mirrored outfits reflected their own personal tastes; Saché wore wide-legged trousers instead of a skirt like Yané's.[6] The two had several children.[7]

Age of the Empire[]

The loss of a friend and joining a resistance[]

"Saché, heroine of the Naboo Resistance, tortured by the Trade Federation…"
―ZED-6-7 to Darth Vader[8]

Saché walked with the other surviving handmaidens in the procession at Amidala's funeral. Shortly before or around that time, Sio Bibble stepped down as governor. Saché had been a favorite to win the election for the next governor of Naboo, but the Empire instead installed Quarsh Panaka in the new position[4] of Moff.[11]

Personality and traits[]

"The Trade Federation types never guessed she was carrying messages for our resistance. She was so little then."
"She's little enough now. And she knows how to use it."
―Mariek and Quarsh Panaka[4]

Saché was a human female native from Naboo. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin.[1] Saché's role in the handmaidens' work as a security and intelligence team was to spy in plain sight, and to serve as a distraction while the others got up to trouble behind her.[4] She often played up people's perception of her as small, young, or meek to gain an advantage.[3] People talked around her; either they overlooked her, or they viewed her as the easiest of Amidala's handmaidens to talk to.[4] Saché was also unusually observant. She was the only person to figure out what Panaka was doing when he was recruiting handmaidens for the queen, and gave him advice that helped push him into recruiting Ballory.[3] In addition to her skills at information gathering, she was the second best shot among the handmaidens, after Sabé.[4]

As a result of her torture at the hands of the Trade Federation occupying forces after her capture, her body was covered with scars that she usually concealed under clothing.[4] Saché was considered very brave for withstanding torture without revealing information that would have jeopardized the Naboo resistance. Because of this, she was also hailed as a Hero of Naboo, which helped her win her election to the Planetary Legislative Assembly.[3]

Saché had a tendency to "get quiet," as she put it, from time to time. She preferred to keep her feelings to herself and often had trouble articulating them. That sometimes caused interpersonal trouble; during the early days of her time as handmaiden, Saché did not want to share a room with Yané, and the combination of her inflexibility on the subject and her refusal to explain why became the center of one of the handmaidens' first arguments as a group. Especially after her torture, Saché let go of her annoyances towards Yané as they bonded during the occupation of Naboo,[3] with the two developing a romantic relationship and later marrying.[6]

Saché, like the other handmaidens was loyal to Amidala, almost to a fault as she appeared to take a dislike to Amidala's successor Queen Réillata claiming that she appeared to lack Amidala's inherit kindness, despite having many similar beliefs to Amidala, and didn't agree with Amidala when she suggested that a balance of younger and older rulers ought to be considered, despite the fact that, at nearly twenty three years old, Réillata would have been considered a young queen on virtually any other planet. She still served Réillata in her government[4] and her successor Jamillia.[6]

Behind the scenes[]

"I asked George if I could come and watch the shoot, and he asked if I wanted to be in the royal entourage. (...) I'm at the back with a hood on and you can't really see me. I don't even remember what my character was called."
―Sofia Coppola, about her role as Saché[12]

Saché was portrayed by Sofia Coppola in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.[1] Coppola considers director George Lucas, a long-time friend and working partner of her father Francis Ford Coppola, "like an uncle to me—he used to send me and my brother Roman Star Wars toys when we were little," and upon hearing he was going back to the saga, "thought it'd be so fun to see how they make them" as she was preparing her own directorial debut The Virgin Suicides, released that same year. When she asked Lucas if she could attend the shoot, he offered her the role of Saché, and she accepted as "it seemed like a good vantage point to watch without getting in the way."[12]



Notes and references[]

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  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  2. 2.0 2.1 Queen's Peril states that Saché was twelve years old when she began serving as Queen Padmé Amidala's handmaiden. The events of Queen's Peril take place shortly before and concurrently to the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 32 BBY. Therefore, Saché must have born sometime around 44 BBY.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 Queen's Peril
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 Queen's Shadow
  5. Queen's Peril establishes that Saché was five centimeters shorter than Padmé Amidala. As StarWars Padmé Amidala in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link) establishes Amidala's height as being 1.65 meters, it can be deduced that Saché's height was 1.6 meters.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Queen's Hope
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Darth Vader (2020) 31
  8. 8.0 8.1 Darth Vader (2020) 4
  9. 9.0 9.1 Darth Vader (2020) 30
  10. Queen's Hope is set at the beginning of the Clone Wars, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 22 BBY, and the marriage of Saché and Yané took place almost two years prior to the book's events. Therefore, Queen's Hope must be set in or around 24 BBY.
  11. Leia, Princess of Alderaan
  12. 12.0 12.1 Sofia Coppola: Film By Film: From The Godfather Part III to The Bling Ring (Page 8) on www.empireonline.com (archived from the original on December 6, 2018)