

This article is about the New Republic's Senate committee on refugees.
You may be looking for the Galactic Republic's Senate Committee on Refugees.

"She's practically the head of SELCORE."
―Jaina Solo on Senator Viqi Shesh leadership[1]

The Senate Select Committee for Refugees (SELCORE) was a committee that administered caring and settlement for refugees in the New Republic.


During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Senate Select Committee for Refugees began to oversee the refugees of planets ravaged by the invading Yuuzhan Vong. A year into the invasion, the duplicitous Kuati Senator Viqi Shesh was seen as the committe lead. It was based in Embassies Row.

SELCORE transports were known to have hauled millions of refugees out of the invasion corridor during the war, with mass amounts of vessels known to have evacuated refugees from the worlds of Ithor, Talfaglio, Gyndine, and Dubrillion, as well as many worlds along the Corellian Run, such as Kalarba and Falleen. The Yuuzhan Vong were known to shadow SELCORE refugee vessels from settlement to settlement, creating fear and mass panic in the already troubled refugees. Unfortunately, corporations like Salliche Ag schemed to hand SELCORE refugees over to the Yuuzhan Vong as sacrifices in case of invasion.

About a year into the war, Duro was selected as an ideal SELCORE haven for refugees, with more than thirty-two settlements of refugees ranging from Vors and Vuvrians to Ryn and Humans, and even a Hutt. The main complex, Gateway, was administered by Leia Organa Solo until the facility was destroyed due to the efforts of the Yuuzhan Vong, and partly, Senator Shesh.



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