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Z-95 Headhunter

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Senni Tonnika was a woman who, along with her sister Brea, formed the Tonnika sisters, a duo of con artists.[3] At some point, Senni and Brea helped an associate break out of prison.[4]


Senni and Brea eventually came to meet Lando Calrissian and trashed their appartment on Coruscant to be on the Millennium Falcon. They also met Han Solo, however he later betrayed and humiliated the sisters, ending their partnership.[4]

By 0 BBY, shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Tonnika and her sister were living on Tatooine, but when Jabba put a bounty on Solo, they went to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, a drinking establishment located in Mos Eisley. She and her sister witnessed hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi defending his apprentice named Luke Skywalker and fight off two wanted crooks, wounding Doctor Cornelius Evazan and dismembering Ponda Baba's right arm before they decided not to collect Jabba's bounty, but to steal the Millennium Falcon so they could leave the planet, overhearing the ship was in Docking Bay 94. When they got to the bay they quickly had to hide as Jabba was there as well. They snuck out of the docking bay, and decided to steal another ship.[1][4]

Personality and traits[]

Senni Tonnika had black hair, green eyes, and fair skin. Similar to that of her sister, she wore her hair in many braids. She and her sister wore similar catsuits.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Senni was played by Angela Staines and Brea was played by actress Christine Hewett.[5] Christine and Angela were real life friends and were known during production as "Space Girls".[6]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
