

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Sephi were a humanoid sentient species[1] native to the planet Isobe,[2] who boasted long life and an affinity with droids and machinery. They had long tapered ears that could twitch, swivel and flatten in accordance with the emotional state of the subject. Their skin tones included lavender[1] and peach, and their eyes could be green or blue.[2]

Sephi were capable of emitting a pheromone that was capable of knocking other beings unconscious with the sensation of being close to death, an ability developed by their ancestors as protection against predators.[4]

Eira Tay, a female Sephi, worked as an engineer aboard the freighter Eclipse.[1] The Sephi made aerial craft known as flyers.[5]

Sephi in the galaxy[]

During the High Republic Era, Tey Sirrek was a Guardians of the Whills turned thief on the moon Jedha, following a disillusionment he had against the religious order.[6]

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Behind the scenes[]

"I named the species after my cat, Persephone."
―Jeremy Barlow, on the inspiration of the Sephi[7]

Sephi were mentioned in the current Star Wars canon in the novel Tarkin,[5] which was authored by James Luceno and published by Del Rey on November 4, 2014.[8] The species then appeared in "Mercy Mission," a short story written by Melissa Scott, included in the 2015 novel collection The Rise of the Empire.[1] The Sephi later got its visual depiction in "Never Far Behind," a comic strip written by Jeremy Barlow, included in the thirty-ninth issue of the German magazine Star Wars Rebels Magazine.[2] According to Barlow, the species was named after their pet cat, Persephone.[7]

In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Sephi originally appeared in Jedi: Yoda, the final issue of the 2003 comic book series Star Wars: Jedi, which was written by Barlow, illustrated by HOON, and published by Dark Horse Comics[9]


Notes and references[]
