



This article is about the Jedi. You may be looking for the planet.

This article is non-canon within the canon continuity.

This article covers a subject from a Star Wars: Visions story that Lucasfilm declared is set in an alternate history within a reimagined galaxy.


The title of this article is a nickname, call sign, or alias.

This article is about a subject that has not been identified with an official name and is known only by a nickname, call sign, or alias.

"I used to be called Shogun back in those days, you know. But the battle cost me my eyes…"
―Shogun, to the Ronin[1]

Shogun was an alias used by a Jedi of the Jedi clans who fought in the Sith rebellion. Near the end of the war, they experienced a vision of a god known as the Father, who told them to visit the Temple of Elujoji on the planet Sukalan. Years later, Shogun encountered the former Sith known as the Ronin bathing in a secret hot spring. The two shared sake and spoke of their experiences in the war and Shogun's ongoing search for the Temple of Elujoji. Before the two parted ways, the Ronin asked if Shogun had forgotten to kill him. The Ronin then witnessed a vision of him dueling Shogun, in which the Jedi swiftly defeated him. However, Shogun responded that they did not intend to kill the Ronin, and then left without attempting to fight him.


Searching for truth in the darkness[]

"Go to the planet Sukalan. And visit the temple Elujoji."
"What awaits there…?"
―The Father and Shogun[1]

Shogun saw a vision of the Father.

Shogun was the alias used by a Jedi who fought[1] for the Jedi clans in service to the Empire during the Sith rebellion,[2] a war against a group of rebel Jedi known as the Sith.[3] During the fighting, Shogun was blinded after losing their eyes. On a sunny day near the end of the war, they were struck by what seemed like lightning and fell from the top of a tower. They survived the fall and then experienced a vision of[1] a god[4] known as the Father, who told Shogun to visit the Temple of Elujoji on the planet Sukalan, where "truth" awaited them. Although Shogun had never heard of Sukalan, they began searching for the planet.[1]

Run-in with the Ronin[]

"It is said that this secret hot spring was made to heal the battle wounds of the knights. Did you come to heal here too, sir?"
"Something like that."
―Shogun and the Ronin[1]

Shogun joined the Ronin in a hot spring.

Years after the end of the war,[5] while hiking on a snowy mountain on an astronomical object with their astromech droid, Shogun witnessed a group of thieves attempting to steal the astromech droid[1] B5-56[3] from[1] the former Sith[3] known as the Ronin. Shogun left before they began fighting to avoid being struck by a stray blaster bolt and later learned that all but one of the bandits had been killed.[1]

That night, Shogun visited a secret hot spring. They were surprised to see that the Ronin was already bathing in it but remarked that it was nice to see someone else there. Shogun joined the Ronin in the hot spring and commented that it would be even nicer if they had some sake. In response, the Ronin offered to share his sake with Shogun, which Shogun accepted. Shogun then informed the Ronin that the hot spring was made to heal the battle wounds of knights and offered to give him a massage for a discount. The Ronin declined the offer, explaining that he deserved his pain due to the many individuals he had killed in the war.[1]


"Hey. Didn't you forget something?"
"Yes. Don't you have to kill me…? Master Jedi."
―The Ronin and Shogun[1]

Shogun then recounted their own experience in the war, describing it as "horrible" and telling the Ronin of their vision of the Father and how they were still searching for the temple. The Ronin told Shogun what he knew of the temple, having heard from his teacher that "the truth of the galaxy" was there and that it was the only place where one could purify their soul, but he did not know its location. In response, Shogun joked that the sake and hot spring were good enough to purify them. The two then smiled and laughed after noticing that B5-56 was gambling with a group of Ewoks nearby. Shogun said they would have liked to take the Ronin to a nearby casino, but that it was closed due to a hassle, and told him they had heard about a fight between a group of thieves and an individual with a red lightsaber.[1]


The Ronin saw a vision of himself dueling Shogun.

Just then, the sun rose, and the Ronin announced his departure. Shogun walked with him for some distance and then offered to buy a drink for the Ronin at a station below, but the Ronin declined, explaining that someone was picking them up. Just as they began to walk away from each other, the Ronin asked if Shogun had forgotten something. When Shogun questioned him, the Ronin asked if they were going to kill him and revealed that he was aware that Shogun was a Jedi. The Ronin then experienced a vision of him dueling Shogun, in which Shogun quickly defeated him and destroyed his lightsaber. After the vision ended, Shogun told the Ronin that they had not forgotten anything and then said a farewell before walking away with their droid. After they left, the Ronin realized that had he had his hands on his lightsaber and actually fought Shogun, he would have died.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"This party's over, man. Hahahaha."
―Shogun, to the Ronin[1]

Shogun was a human with white hair and dark skin. After losing their eyes, they were blind. Shogun joked with the Ronin and often laughed after they spoke.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

"If I'd had my hands on the sword…I would have died."
―The Ronin, after foreseeing a potential duel with Shogun[1]

As a Jedi, Shogun was Force-sensitive. According to a vision seen by the Ronin, who had previously killed many Sith, Shogun would have swiftly defeated him in a lightsaber duel.[1]


Shogun wore a robe, sandals, and a white blindfold, which had an x-shaped mark over one eye. Their purple-bladed lightsaber was a sabercane that they used both in combat and as a cane.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Shogun appeared and was identified in the non-canon one-shot comic Visions 1, written and illustrated by Takashi Okazaki and published by Marvel Comics[1] on October 12, 2022.[6] Prior to the comic's release, they were first pictured in a StarWars.com article published on June 15 of that year.[7] In the real world, shogun was a title held by Japanese military rulers.[8]


This article has an associated index page with page numbers and/or timestamps.
  • Visions 1 (First appearance) (First identified as Shogun)


Notes and references[]
