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"Sistros, one of the four ancient philosophers of Dwartii. I keep it for sentimental value."
―Emperor Palpatine, on his statue of Sistros[4]

Sistros Nevet[5] was a female[2] member of the Four Sages of Dwartii,[1] ancient lawgivers from the dawn of the Galactic Republic. Sistros was involved in the formation of the Republic's original constitution.[6] A cold and calculating Nouanese minister and lawmaker, Sistros was known for being an emotionless ruler in life, accused of using[2] her[3] power during the Republic's formation for her own selfish ends.[2]

Sheev Palpatine admired this historical philosopher throughout his political career. As the Senator of Naboo, he recommended to Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum to use the image of Sistros as the centerpiece of the invitations for the celebration marking the Galactic Republic's millennial anniversary.[6] During his own tenure as Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine kept a bronzium statue depicting Sistros as a cloaked figure in his office.[7] After he became Galactic Emperor at the end of the Clone Wars, Palpatine moved to new quarters in the Imperial Palace, taking with him the Sistros statue,[4] which had a neuranium coating under the outer bronze, and hiding one of his Sith lightsabers inside it.[8]

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