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The Sith war behemoths were beasts of war used by the Sith Empire.[1]

Biology and appearance[]

Sith monsters

War behemoth amongst other Sithspawn.

These large herd beasts were one of dozens of different creatures that were used to augment the battle legions of the Sith. They were notable for being amongst the most impressive of these animals and were massive creatures that were used to transport troops, carry heavy weapons and break through enemy fortifications. The role given to the behemoth was that seen by grav tanks that were used in more modern armies. These gargantuan quadrupeds stood 12 to 15 meters tall and weighed an average of 10,000 kg. Amongst their features included a tough leathery skin with shaggy fur that covered their necks as well as their bodies. A hard shell was noted as well that protected their backs. Their heads also possessed long, curved tusks and a series of horns that projected upwards.[1]

Wild war behemoths tended to travel in small groups of two to four and spent most of their existence searching for food. They were omnivorous in the sense that they ate anything they were able to find which included even carrion or living prey too weak to fight or too slow to escape. Behemoths were not noted for being particularly territorial but did react violently when attacked or threatened. However, amongst those tamed by the Sith, generations of breeding led to them being easily managed by anyone that had skills in animal handling. When amongst a Sith army, the war behemoths were outfitted with gun turrets along with a crewed hut that housed four individuals who lashed the beasts armored back. In addition, they carried three bulky weapons that were equivalent to light repeating blasters.[1]

The troop container of a Sith personnel carrier was able to hold two war behemoths, though only one was able to exit them at a time.[2]



A war behemoth.

These animals were originally native to the icy world of Khar Delba where they were originally peaceful herd beasts who only used their long tusks to defend themselves against predators. After being discovered by the Sith Lords, many of the behemoths were transported to harsh jungle worlds where Sith alchemy was used to transform them into violent omnivores. The result of centuries long breeding programs led to an easily trained species that responded well to commands. Through a program of standard command coding, Sith troops were able to control war behemoths in combat.[1]

Through the Sith, these creatures were found on worlds such as Korriban and Ziost where they became elements within the Sith army.



Notes and references[]

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