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A slugthrower rifle, also known as a projectile rifle, was a type of slugthrower.[1]

Pav-ti Tano used a slugthrower when she took Ahsoka Tano hunting.[2]

Tusken Raiders used cycler rifles to snipe at podracers during the Boonta Eve Classic.[3]

Zam Wesell used a KiSteer 1284 projectile rifle to destroy her ASN courier droid after discovering Obi-Wan Kenobi was hanging on it.[4]

Aurra Sing used an Adventurer slugthrower rifle to kill seven Senate Commandos during the Senate hostage crisis.[5]

Cut Lawquane used a 6-2Aug2 hunting rifle to defend his homestead from BX-series droid commandos during the Battle of Saleucami. Suu Lawquane also used it against a nexu from attacking Omega. Luke Skywalker also used one as well, which was destroyed by Tusken Raider A'Koba, after finding R2-D2.[6]

Migs Mayfeld used Boba Fett's cycler rifle to destroy Juggernaut Five and its cargo of rhydonium.[7]

Jas Emari used a custom made slugthrower rifle in the months preceding the Battle of Jakku.[8]

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