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"Pretty scary, huh?"
"What is that?"
"They call him the Dark One, who tempts and denies. Now me, I'm the Good One. I'm the guy that keeps on givin'.
―Sonniod and Kylie Renoren[src]

Sonniod was a Human male who worked as a smuggler for several years during the Imperial Period. Originally a holofeature delivery man for a large holotheater chain, Sonniod got into smuggling after delivering a shipment of illicit chak-root for his cousin, and took to the trade eagerly. For a time, Sonniod was a member of a group of smugglers led by Roa, where he became friends with a brash young Corellian named Han Solo. Sonniod eventually left the smuggling profession and went legitimate, although he continued to maintain contacts in the smuggling world. He eventually became involved in a scheme in the desolate Kamar Badlands in 2 BBY, where he helped to start a cult among the native Kamarian Badlanders which he exploited for personal gain.


"Uh, well an old acquaintance, Sonniod showed up. I know him from way back, and he used to do a little work smuggling copies of holofeatures. He could get a few spares for us and we could rake in more credits."
―Han Solo, to Voren Na'al[src]

As a young man, Sonniod entered the smuggling business as a favor for his cousin, who ran a "meeting place" on a planet run by a cult that had banned most forms of revelry. At the time, Sonniod was contracting for a holotheater chain, flying his small freighter across 50 different backwater systems, delivering the newest holofeatures and maintaining their projection equipment. His cousin had a secret side business selling chak-root, and turned to Sonniod when he previous supplier, a Corellian named Han Solo, quit after a run-in with law enforcement. As Sonniod frequented the world in the past, he was able to avoid the cult's suspicion, although he nearly gave himself away in his nervousness. However, it proved to be a lucrative run, convincing Sonniod to give the smuggling trade a go for real. After several months, Sonniod started to develop contacts within his new business, eventually joining an organization of smugglers led by a man named Roa. Incidentally, one of his new fellows was Han Solo, the man who indirectly got him into smuggling in the first place.[2]


Sonniod helped start a cult among the insectoid Kamarian natives of the Kamar Badlands.

Sonniod had some lucrative times over the next few years working for Roa, he had numerous brushes with death that prompted him to start thinking about his future. Ultimately valuing having a long life over the profits that could be made in the smuggling trade, Sonniod went into business as a legitimate cargo hauler, hustling from one frontier world to another. Although a little less exciting and it paid a little less, it was much safer, and allowed him from time to time to encounter old friends.[2] One of those run-ins occurred in 2 BBY, when his old partner Solo contracted him to visit him on the remote, desolate Badlands of Kamar, where the smuggler had started a new scheme while touched down repairing his damaged ship: screening holofeatures for the primitive Kamarian Badlanders, who paid handsomely to repeatedly watch the holodocumentary Varn, World of Water. Solo feared that his customers would soon grow tired of seeing the same film over and over, so he asked Sonniod to bring him another feature to play. On short notice, the only feature Sonnio could find was Love is Waiting, a romantic musical—Sonniod planned to swap it with a renter he knew on the way back, picking up a few extra credits out of the deal.[1]

Sonniod met with Solo and his Wookiee companion Chewbacca on Kamar, where he was shocked with how the united the Badlanders were in their interest in Solo's feature. But when the show started—and the crowd saw Love is Waiting instead of Varn, World of Water—the insectoid Badlanders began to riot. To his shock, Sonniod realized that Solo had unwittingly started a cult among his nightly audience: they were awed by the travelogue's depiction of a world covered by water, and what Solo had thought had been their paid admission was actually more akin to a religious offering. The Badlanders' fury quickly turned toward the offworlders, forcing Sonniod, Solo and Chewbacca to hurry back into the safety of Solo's Millennium Falcon. Narrowly escaping danger, Solo returned Sonniod back to his ship, and the two parted on friendly terms.[1]

The bizarre encounter on Kamar gave Sonniod an idea, however. He could simply buy another holoprojector and a new copy of Varn, World of Water and reinstitute Solo's scheme, while organizing a couple of "priests" to continue raking in the profits while he continued his regular trade route. His efforts resulted in a renewal of the "Cult of Varn," and he in turn made a fortune in pottery and trade goods, which he sold to collectors for respectable prices. He even became incorporated into the cult's mythology, being hailed as a prophet who forswore his friendship with "Solohan the Deceiver" to carry on the blessed word of Varn.[2] He later told his story to a visiting scientist named Kylie Renoren, who was horrified at how Sonniod's cult had turned Solo—who went on to become one of the most revered heroes of the Rebel Alliance—into a demon.[3]

Personality and traits

"Don't you stop and analyze things, ever? You've been showing them holos of a world with more water than they'd ever dreamed existed, filled with cultures and life forms that they've never even fantasized about. You haven't set up a holotheater, you idiot; you've started a religion!"
―Sonniod, to Han Solo[src]

Sonniod had an uncertain and nervous start to his smuggling career, but he soon discovered a flair and a talent for his new trade, taking to it eagerly. But after losing a number of friends and acquaintances over the course of his time in the business, he realized that he would rather have a long life than the money he could be making in smuggling, and went legitimate. He still maintained many contacts and friendships in his old business, however, and took joy in the encounters he had with his acquaintances from his past life.[2] That included Han Solo, with whom he continued to maintain a friendship—Sonniod was often critical of his old running partner, but had a keen interest in the Corellian's well-being and occasionally helped guide him towards jobs. He was also friendly with Solo's partner Chewbacca, whom he'd always liked.[1] But while he had left illegal activities behind, he still maintained an extremely keen business sense and an eye for a profit, and was willing to go so far as to exploit the religious sensibilities of the Kamarian Badlanders if he saw money in the deal.[2]

Behind the scenes

Sonniod first appeared in Han Solo's Revenge, a novel written by Brian Daley and released in 1993.[1] He was first pictured by Mike Vilardi in 1993's Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook, where much of his backstory was provided for the first time.[2]



Notes and references

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