

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Southern Mustafarians were one of the two subspecies of Mustafarians which evolved separately in underground caves. They worked together to collect valuable minerals from the lava flow and had a trade agreement with the Techno Union. Southern Mustafarians were stockier and stronger as well had more resistance against heat.[6] They were burly and short, measuring 1.5 meters, and performed all physical tasks.[1] They had tough, blaster-resistant skin, but still required protective armor to work near the lava of their volcanic habitat.[5] Southern Mustafarians lived in groups known as clanholds. Father Kkkt, who also happened to be Force-sensitive, led one such clan. When Mustafar was rocked by the construction of Fortress Vader, Kkkt made contact with other clanholds and led an army to attack the castle.[7]

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