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Space station SWG

A space station

"That's no moon. It's a space station."
Obi-Wan Kenobi, scrutinizing the first Death Star — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[1]

Space stations were artificial structures built for use in orbit or deep space. The term was also used by one standard ship classification system to classify some of the largest and most heavily armed capital ships in the known galaxy.


While some space stations were civilian installations designed for habitation or research (such as Citadel Station making up the infrastructure backbone of the Telosian Restoration Project), or as orbiting space docks, a great many were well-armed military installations generally used in a defensible position. The most famous military space stations were the Death Star and Death Star II created by the Galactic Empire. Unlike most space stations, they were mobile and hyperspace-capable, thus making them match the definition of a starship as well.


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