Speciecide, also known as "strategic extinctions" and "genocide", was the systematic genocide of an entire species.
In the Galactic Empire, in order to ensure interests in galactic security, the use of speciecide (or as they put it, orchestrating strategic extinctions) was condoned under extreme cases, and was even noted in the official field manual for the Imperial Military, the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide. Crix Madine, a former Imperial soldier, added a footnote to the handbook regarding this section when it was leaked to the Rebel Alliance High Command confirming from personal experience that this claim was not an exaggeration.[1]
While witnessing the Imperial invasion of Kashyyyk, former Jedi Olee Starstone realized it was not for the purpose of speciecide of the Wookiees, as the Imperials did not use orbital bombardment.[2]
The Bothan concept of ar'krai required speciecide against their enemies. It was declared only three times in their history, the third being against the Yuuzhan Vong.[3]
The New Republic, later Galactic Alliance, devised Alpha Red, a virus that was intended to kill all Yuzzhan Vong. By using it on Vong prisoners, the New Republic was able to be fairly sure that it would destroy the whole species if unleashed, though there were fears it would mutate and kill everything, that the Vong would somehow suddenly devise a counterattack virus. Owing to the strategic concerns, the Jedi objections, and Vergere attacking the project, they did not, however use this beyond testing on prisoners,[4] and when it was unleashed on Caluula, where indeed the Galactic Alliance’s bioweapon did turn and sicken humans and slaughter native life.[5]
Behind the scenes[]
Use of speciecide on the Yuuzhan Vong species was discussed by the planning team of Star Wars: The New Jedi Order book series, including James Luceno. The idea was to wipe out the Vong on the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar. However, they ended up feeling that a merciful option would be more interesting and had the invaders sent into exile.[6]
- Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- Boba Fett: Agent of Doom
- The New Jedi Order: Star by Star (First appearance) (Failed attempt)
- The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way
- The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (Mentioned only)
- Dark Nest I: The Joiner King
- Dark Nest III: The Swarm War (Mentioned only)
- Fate of the Jedi: Ascension (and audiobook) (as genocide) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide (as "strategic extinctions")