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Star Wars: Demolition is a vehicular combat game featuring locations and vehicles from around the Star Wars galaxy.

Plot summary[]

The galaxy is engulfed
in a devastating civil war.
But on the Outer Rim
world of Tatooine, crime lord
Jabba the Hutt continues to
prosper amidst the chaos.

Involved in almost every
criminal venture, the Hutt
has amassed a vast fortune
through gambling, smuggling,
and other vile acts. Yet his
greed knows no bounds.

The Empire has outlawed the
dangerous Podraces, but
Jabba has devised an
even more dangerous
underground contest to
attract high-stakes gamblers
from across the galaxy
to his betting parlors on

Even with the advent of the Galactic Empire, Jabba the Hutt continued to prosper through his illegitimate operations on Tatooine. Always looking to gather more wealth, Jabba devised an even deadlier "sport" to replace the outlawed podraces.


Some chose to take part in the event of their own will, but many others were forced into participation by the crime lord. The participants and their vehicles were:

Each vehicle can pick up a weapon droid, either holding the following:

Each vehicle can pick up a droid as well, including:

Game modes[]

Demolition ad

Star Wars: Demolition advertising: Total Carnage!

There are four game modes of Demolition:

  • Battle mode - In this mode you could choose up to four opponents to test your skills on and select which world in which to dispatch them.
  • Tournament Mode - The Tournament Mode would start off with you facing one opponent, then two, three and finally four; the opponents are chosen at random as are the locations. To acquire a new vehicle, you need to pass the tournament with at least 10,000 credits, and if you are destroyed during a match, then there is an option to replay, but at a cost of 500 credits. If you are constantly losing, the tournament will end when you run out of credits.
  • Hunt a droid - This is a mode which speaks for itself. Once you choose your location and vehicle and engage the droids in battle you will be scored on the number of droids dispatched within the set time.
  • High Stakes - Each player chooses a vehicle, as well as the CPU. There are odds shown by calculation on win/loss records. They keep on betting until a player wins 10,000 credits or loses everything.

Multiplayer modes[]

  • High Stakes - This is a mode where you bet 1000 credits (both players), the winner getting the credits from the loser. You continue until you gain 10,000 credits or when one player loses all of his credits.
  • Battle Mode - This is a mode that includes vs. and co-op. In vs. mode, the game is over when one vehicle is destroyed. In co-op, both players must survive and destroy the enemy vehicles.
  • Two Player Mode - In two player mode, some things change in tournament. For a start, you cannot be the same ship as your friend. Also, the tournament battle sequence goes 1 CPU, 2 CPU, 3 CPU, and then 3 CPU again. This is because every world can only hold up to five players at a time, including you and a friend.


Wade Vox in action

Wade Vox fights in Jabba's tournament in Mos Eisley (Non-canonical appearance)

The games ravaged a number of areas, with Jabba pulling strings to make each happen. The arenas were:

(Cloud City and the Death Star II cannot be played in tournament mode, although every other planet will appear at some point)

Planet inhabitants[]

Special weapons[]

  • STAP - Ion cannon
  • Podracer - Speed boost (does heavy damage, capable of destroying most enemies in three hits; however, it was difficult to connect with)
  • Rocket Pack - Disintegrator Rocket; homes in on an enemy
  • Snowspeeder - Harpoon and tow cable
  • Rancor - Grab and Slam (Rancor picks up enemy and slams them to the ground, creating a shockwave and dealing them massive damage. If no enemy is close enough, it will just raise its hands and perform the slam without the enemy, still causing the shockwave.)
  • Cloud Car - Shadowball; disables opponent temporarily
  • Swoop - Hyper-Rifle; when charged, fires in the direction of the nearest enemy. Projectile ricochets.
  • Sith Speeder - Double-bladed lightsaber
  • X-34 Landspeeder - Force attack (similar to Force crush, seems to push foes back a bit)
  • AT-ST Walker - Mortar launcher
  • AAT Battle Tank - Main cannon
  • Desert Skiff - Deck-mounted laser cannon
  • Speeder Bike - thermal detonator


Leland Chee, the keeper of the Holocron continuity database,[2] stated that the game was "made purely for fun," not to fit within the continuity of the Expanded Universe.[3]



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Notes and references[]

  1. Gamespot Star Wars: Demolition on GameSpot.com (backup link)
  2. LinkedIn-Logo Leland Chee on LinkedIn (backup link)
  3. StarWars Holocron continuity database questions on StarWars.com Message Boards. Posted by Leland Y Chee on December 12, 2005 at 12:17 PM. (content now obsolete; backup link) "The short answer is, the stuff that fits. There has definitely been a greater effort to make newer games fit within the rest EU than in years past. Then again, some games are made purely for fun such as games like Demolition, Master of Teras Kasi, Yoda Stories, and Super Bombad Racing."

External links[]

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