Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, also referred to as Star Wars Trilogy: Return of the Jedi, is a Legends junior novel written by Ryder Windham, based on a screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas. It adapts the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, and it was first published in October 2004 by Scholastic.
The novel was later collected in Star Wars Trilogy: Collector's Edition (2005), Star Wars Boxed Set: Episodes I–VI (2007), and Star Wars: Classic Trilogy (2014). A revised, canon edition of the novel, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, was published in 2017.
Publisher's summary[]
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
A rebellion makes its most desperate move. A galaxy hangs in the balance. A new Jedi rises. A circle is completed. The journey ends.
- ISBN 9780439681261; October 2004; Scholastic Inc.; US paperback[1]
- ISBN 9781484717578; May 4, 2014; Disney–Lucasfilm Press; US eBook[2]
Cover gallery[]
Characters | Organisms | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Droid models
Organizations and titles
Sentient species
Vehicles and vessels
Weapons and technology
Food and drinks |
- How Book and Comic Adaptations Expanded (and Changed) the Star Wars Films, Part 1 on (backup link)
Notes and references[]
See also[]
External links[]
- Return of the Jedi (Star Wars, Episode VI) on (backup link)
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Novelization on Scholastic Inc.'s official website (backup link)
- Star Wars Trilogy: Return of the Jedi (Volume 6) on (backup link)