Nights of Anger is the fifth story-arc of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series of comics.
Plot summary[]
On Arkania, whose society is in a state of segregation between pure Arkanians and offshoots, Jarael disguises herself as a pure specimen to get an analysis of Camper's blood. However, this move attracts the attention of Adascorp, which recognizes Camper as one of its former employees; as such, the Last Resort is captured by the Adascorp flagship, the Arkanian Legacy,[1] and Jarael and Camper are brought before Arkoh, Lord Adasca. After Rohlan's unsuccessful attempt to free Jarael, she is kept close to Adasca to ensure that Camper finishes the secret project he used to work on before fleeing and hiding on Taris.[2]
It is aboard the Arkanian Legacy that Jarael learns about the past life of "Camper", actually named Gorman Vandrayk. His past research has attracted Adascorp's attention to giant space slugs, or exogorths, which it intended to use as weapons of planetary destruction. As Vandrayk has now finished his debt to the corporation, giving it full control over the exogorths, Adasca intends to use the newfound weapons as means of political pressure.[4]
Meanwhile, Courageous itself is boarded and destroyed by Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Admiral Karath, Lieutenant Onasi and Karath's second-in-command Dallan Morvis are left with no other choice but to evacuate through Zayne's prison cell, having to rely on him to get to the cargo bay and escape on Carth's ship, the Deadweight.[2]
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 3: Days of Fear, Nights of Anger
- Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1