Star Wars: Return of the Jedi is a comic series published by Marvel Comics that adapted Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi into comic form and was published in 1983. The series was republished as Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi in 1994, and reprinted many times since then.
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Collected (TPB) issue | Released issue | Future issue |
Issue | Title | Publication date | Trade paperback | Star Wars Omnibus | Marvel Omnibus | Epic Collection |
1 | Return of the Jedi 1 | July 5, 1983 | Return of the Jedi 1983 |
A Long Time Ago.... Volume 4 August 3, 2011 |
The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 3 October 20, 2015 |
The Original Marvel Years Vol. 5 August 17, 2021 |
2 | Return of the Jedi 2 | August 2, 1983 | ||||
3 | Return of the Jedi 3 | August 23, 1983 | ||||
4 | Return of the Jedi 4 | September 27, 1983 |
- Star Wars: The Comics Companion
- "Blaster" — Star Wars Insider 160
- New High Republic Comic Revealed, Lightsabers from the Prime of the Jedi, and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
- Return of the Jedi: A Collector's Classic Board Book
- Jerry Ordway Pays Homage to Marvel's Original 'Return of the Jedi' Comic Adaptation in New Classic Trade Dress Variant Covers on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)