Star Wars: Visions: The Manga Anthology, published in Japan as simply Star Wars: Visions, is a trade paperback that collects the 2022 manga adaptation of the series of the same name. It was published by Square Enix on January 25, 2023 in Japan[1] and by Viz Media in the United States on May 7, 2024.[2]
Collected issues[]
- "The Elder"
- "Lop & Ochō"
- "The Ninth Jedi"
Cover gallery[]
- ISBN 9784757583658; January 25, 2023; Square Enix; Japanese paperback[1]
- ISBN 9781974746842; May 7, 2024; Viz Media; US paperback[2]
Notes and references[]
External links[]
- スター・ウォーズ:ビジョンズ on (backup link)
- 大沢祐輔 (@kurikaramaru) on Twitter: "来年1月25日に「スター・ウォーズ ビジョンズ」「スター・ウォーズ マンダロリアン」共に単行本発売が決まりました!" (backup link)
- Star Wars: Visions: The Manga Anthology on Simon & Schuster's official website (backup link)
In other languages