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Star Wars: Visions Filmmaker Focus is a series of featurettes on the Disney+ streaming platform that detail the making of the 2021 animated web television series Star Wars: Visions. Each Star Wars: Visions episode has a corresponding Filmmaker Focus featurette that goes behind the scenes on every one of the short films.[1]


Volume 1[]

Episode Image Title Original airdate
1 Origins-Visions-FilmmakerFocus "Origins" September 22, 2021
2 TheDuel-Visions-FilmmakerFocus "The Duel"
3 TatooineRhapsody-Visions-FilmmakerFocus "Tatooine Rhapsody"
4 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-TheTwins "The Twins"
5 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-VillageBride "Village Bride"
6 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-TheNinthJedi "The Ninth Jedi"
7 T0B1-Visions-FilmmakerFocus "T0-B1"
8 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-TheElder "The Elder"
9 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-LopOcho "Lop & Ochō"
10 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-Akakiri "Akakiri"

Volume 2[]

Episode Image Title Original airdate
0 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-AGlobalVision "A Global Vision" May 4, 2023
1 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-Sith "Sith"
2 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-ScreechersReach "Screecher's Reach"
3 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-InTheStars "In the Stars"
4 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-IAmYourMother "I Am Your Mother"
5 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-JourneyToTheDarkHead "Journey to the Dark Head"
6 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-TheSpyDancer "The Spy Dancer"
7 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-TheBanditsOfGolak "The Bandits of Golak"
8 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-ThePit "The Pit"
9 VisionsFilmmakerFocus-AausSong "Aau's Song"


Tatooine Rhapsody[]

The Filmmaker Focus featurette on "Tatooine Rhapsody" included interviews with several people involved in the episode's production. Director Taku Kimura of Studio Colorido, the studio which produced the short film, was interviewed in Japanese. Kimura told the interviewers that his studio recognized the centrality of music in Star Wars and wanted to remain true to the franchise's themes while also doing something original by changing the genre to rock and roll. The studio further wanted to send the message to viewers to do what you want and not be caught up in the past, which Kimura explained meshed well with the stories of both Jay and Geezer Odajion in the short film. Odajion left Jabba the Hutt's Desilijic kajidic to form a band, Star Waver, because he had a passion for music rather than crime. Jay fled the Clone Wars and left the Jedi Order behind to join Odajion's band, even going so far as to convert his lightsaber into a microphone. Kimura said that conversion from weapon to instrument symbolized Jay's evolution from violence to vocals.

Also interviewed in the feature were Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who voiced Jay in the English dub, Lucasfilm Ltd.'s vice president of franchise content and strategy James Waugh, Lucasfilm executive producer Josh Rimes, and Lucasfilm producer Jacqui Lopez. Gordon-Levitt said he is a huge fan of both Star Wars and anime and that to him, creativity means finding a centered place in oneself where you feel powerful by creating something. The character Jay has moments like that in the short film, and Gordon-Levitt loved voicing Jay as a character with the combination of music, creativity, and the Force. Waugh told interviewers that "Tatooine Rhapsody" is a great story about a band that needs their friend back. Lopez said Lucasfilm was at first surprised to hear Studio Colorido's pitch for a Star Wars rock opera, but they loved what it evolved into. Rimes says the short film is a story of heartfelt friendship, and believes Star Waver exemplifies Star Wars' core theme of a "found family."[2]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 StarWars Star Wars: Visions is Here! on StarWars.com (backup link)
  2. Star Wars: Visions Filmmaker Focus "Tatooine Rhapsody"

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