Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters is a canon comic book crossover event and miniseries from Marvel Comics. The comics were announced on February 16, 2021 and began publication with the release of War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha 1 on May 5, 2021. Issues of the ongoing series Star Wars: Bounty Hunters, Star Wars: Darth Vader, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, and Star Wars are included in the crossover event that also began in the month of May. The five issue miniseries by Charles Soule and Luke Ross began publication in June 2021 and concluded in November.
War of the Bounty Hunters re-introduces the character of Qi'ra and the Crimson Dawn criminal faction, the stories of which continued after War of the Bounty Hunters through the subsequent series Star Wars: Crimson Reign and Star Wars: Hidden Empire.[4]
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Collected (TPB) issue | Released issue | Future issue | Story arc |
Trade paperbacks[]
War of the Bounty Hunters miniseries | One-shots | Star Wars 13-18 |
Bounty Hunters 12-17 |
Darth Vader 12-17 |
Doctor Aphra 10 |
Doctor Aphra 11-15 |
War of the Bounty Hunters | War of the Bounty Hunters Companion | Star Wars Vol. 3 | Bounty Hunters Vol. 3 | Darth Vader Vol. 3 |
Doctor Aphra Vol. 2 | Doctor Aphra Vol. 3 |
November 23, 2021[18] | December 7, 2021[19] | December 28, 2021[20] | January 11, 2022[21] | December 21, 2021[22] | August 10, 2021[23] | December 14, 2021[24] |
Marvel Omnibus | Doctor Aphra 10-15 |
War of the Bounty Hunters Omnibus | Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Omnibus Vol. 2 |
December 13, 2022[25] | August 29, 2023[26] |
Notes and references[]
External links[]