Star Wars Adventures 8 is the eighth issue of the Star Wars Adventures comic series. The comic was written by Sam Maggs and Danny Lore, illustrated by Liana Kangas and Arianna Florean, and was published by IDW Publishing on August 18, 2021.
Publisher's summary[]
The Empire has been defeated, but that doesn't mean that the danger is over for Luke and Leia, who find themselves in a tricky situation that they have to work together to get out of! Plus, Count Dooku has sinister plans for a Clone troop! [sic][1]
Cover gallery[]
- "Launchpad" — Star Wars Insider 201
- This Week! in Star Wars Last Call with Tales from the Galaxy's Edge, The Bad Batch Returns to Kamino, and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
Notes and references[]
External links[]
- Star Wars Adventures (2021) #8 CVR A Francavilla on the official Previews World website (backup link)
- Star Wars Adventures (2020-) #8 on the official comiXology website (backup link)
- Star Wars Adventures #8 on IDW Publishing's official website (backup link)
- Star Wars Adventures (2020) 8 on the Aurebesh Wiki