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This article is about the series of collected editions published by Dark Horse Comics. You may be looking for Marvel Omnibus, a series of collected editions published by Marvel Comics.

Omnibus is Dark Horse Comics' program to release volumes collecting comics that were formerly difficult or near-impossible to find. A Dark Horse publisher's summary states:

Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars Omnibus Collections were created as a way to showcase actual novel-length stories or series, and to provide homes for "orphaned" series, single-issue stories, and short stories which would otherwise never be collected, or which might fall out of print.

Eventually, there would probably be an Omnibus for every series (or for groups of stories taking place in the same time period). Each Omnibus volume would contain the equivalent of three to five 4-issue trade paperbacks. Dark Horse planned to release two or three per year, resulting in all of the existing trade paperbacks being "omnibussed". Having "omnibussed" all of the existing comic material, the project would become an ongoing program. After the sale of Star Wars to Disney, Marvel Epic Collection series now carries out the task of republishing large amounts of collected Legends issues in paperback format.

Differences between Omnibus and TPB[]

  • The Omnibus releases are smaller in size (6" x 9") than the standard comic book or trade paperback release. This does not, however, affect the layout, coloring or lettering.
  • The Omnibus releases do not include a cover gallery for each story arc featured in a release—only one cover is included for each story arc as well as an original piece for the front of the collections themselves. However, Star Wars Omnibus: Rise of the Sith and Star Wars Omnibus: Shadows of the Empire do include a partial cover gallery.
  • The Omnibus releases specify the time a story takes place in for each story arc.

Behind the scenes[]

The Omnibus series is not exclusive to Star Wars titles. Dark Horse has also released Omnibi for other series such as Aliens, Alien Vs. Predator, Predator, Terminator, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Indiana Jones. Publishing BB art is known to publish tables and wall calendars for the Czech version of Omnibus.


Cover Omnibus Title Pub. Date Included Story Arcs
X-wing Omnibus 1 1. Star Wars Omnibus: X-Wing Rogue Squadron Volume 1 June 7, 2006 X-Wing: Rogue Leader
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Rebel Opposition
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair
Star Wars Handbook 1: X-Wing Rogue Squadron
XWRSO2 2. Star Wars Omnibus: X-Wing Rogue Squadron Volume 2 October 25, 2006 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron Special
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Battleground: Tatooine
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Warrior Princess
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Requiem for a Rogue
XWingOmnibus3Cover 3. Star Wars Omnibus: X-Wing Rogue Squadron Volume 3 June 13, 2007 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Family Ties
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Masquerade
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Mandatory Retirement
SwTOTJomni1 4. Star Wars Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi, Volume 1 October 17, 2007 Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Golden Age of the Sith
Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire
Tales of the Jedi: Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon
Tales of the Jedi: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider
TOTJomnibus2 5. Star Wars Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi, Volume 2 April 9, 2008 Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith
Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Redemption
SWomniDroids 6. Omnibus: Droids June 18, 2008 Star Wars: Droids Special 1
Star Wars Droids: The Kalarba Adventures
Star Wars: Droids: Artoo's Day Out
Star Wars Droids: Rebellion
Star Wars Droids: Season of Revolt
Star Wars Droids: The Protocol Offensive
Omnibus Early Victories 7. Star Wars Omnibus: Early Victories October 8, 2008 Vader's Quest
Star Wars: River of Chaos
Splinter of the Mind's Eye
Shadow Stalker
Star Wars: Tales from Mos Eisley
Omnibus rise of the sith cover 8. Star Wars Omnibus: Rise of the Sith January 21, 2009 Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: The Aurorient Express
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell
Aurra's Song
Jedi Council: Acts of War
Republic: Prelude to Rebellion (Republic 1-6)
Republic: Vow of Justice
Star Wars: Darth Maul
Omnibus EaA Legends 9. Star Wars Omnibus: Emissaries and Assassins April 1, 2009 Episode I: The Phantom Menace ½
Episode I: Anakin Skywalker
Episode I: Queen Amidala
Episode I: Qui-Gon Jinn
Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Republic: Outlander (Republic 7-12)
Republic: Emissaries to Malastare (Republic 13-18)
Jango Fett: Open Seasons
Omni bg 10. Star Wars Omnibus: Menace Revealed July 22, 2009 Republic: Starcrash (Republic 27)
Heart of Fire
Republic: The Hunt for Aurra Sing (Republic 28-31)
Jedi Quest
Jango Fett
Zam Wesell
The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing
Poison Moon
Starfighter: Crossbones
Full of Surprises
Most Precious Weapon
Practice Makes Perfect
Machines of War
Omni sote 11. Star Wars Omnibus: Shadows of the Empire January 13, 2010 Shadows of the Empire
Shadows of the Empire: Evolution
Star Wars: Mara Jade – By the Emperor's Hand
Boba Fett Omnibus 12. Star Wars Omnibus: Boba Fett March 24, 2010 Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire
Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika
Empire: Sacrifice (Empire 7)
Empire: Wreckage (Empire 28)
Boba Fett: Overkill
Boba Fett ½
Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction
Boba Fett: Death, Lies, & Treachery
Boba Fett: Agent of Doom
SWOmnibusALongTimeAgo....Vol1 13. Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago.... Volume 1 June 3, 2010 Marvel Star Wars issues 1-27
SWOmnibusALongTimeAgoVolTwo 14. Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago.... Volume 2 September 29, 2010 Marvel Star Wars issues 28-49
Star Wars Annual (1977) 1
QuinOmni2 15. Star Wars Omnibus: Quinlan Vos: Jedi in Darkness December 2, 2010 Republic: Twilight (Republic 19-22)
Republic: Infinity's End (Republic 23-26)
Republic: Darkness (Republic 32-35)
Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War (Republic 36-39)
Republic: The Devaronian Version (Republic 40-41)
Republic: Rite of Passage (Republic 42-45)
SWOmnibusALongTimeAgoVol3 16. Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago.... Volume 3 January 19, 2011 Marvel Star Wars issues 50-67
Star Wars Annual (1977) 2
OmnibusAtWarWithEmpireV1 17. Star Wars Omnibus: At War with the Empire Volume 1 March 9, 2011 Empire: Betrayal (Empire 1-4)
Empire: Princess... Warrior (Empire 5-6)
Empire: The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell (Empire 10-11)
Empire: What Sin Loyalty? (Empire 13)
Empire: The Savage Heart (Empire 14)
Empire: Target: Vader (Empire 19)
Empire: A Little Piece of Home (Empire 20-21)
Empire: Alone Together (Empire 22)
Empire: Idiot's Array (Empire 24-25)
Empire: The Price of Power (Empire 31)
SWOmnibusALongTimeAgoVol4 18. Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago.... Volume 4 August 24, 2011 Marvel Star Wars issues 68-85
Star Wars Annual (1977) 3
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
OmnibusCompleteSaga 19. Star Wars Omnibus: The Complete Saga September 21, 2011 Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: A New Hope - The Special Edition
Classic Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
OmnibusAtWar2 20. Star Wars Omnibus: At War with the Empire Volume 2 November 23, 2011 Star Wars: Empire: "General" Skywalker (Empire 26-27)
Star Wars: Empire: In the Shadows of Their Fathers (Empire 29-30, 32-34)
Star Wars: Empire: A Model Officer (Empire 35)
Star Wars: Rebellion: The Ahakista Gambit (Rebellion 6- 10)
Star Wars: Rebellion: Small Victories (Rebellion 11-14)
Star Wars: Rebellion: Vector (Rebellion 15-16)
A Valentine Story
SWOmnibusALongTimeAgoVol5 21. Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago.... Volume 5 February 8, 2012 Marvel Star Wars issues 86-107
SWOmnibusTatooine 22. Star Wars Omnibus: The Other Sons of Tatooine March 21, 2012 Star Wars: Empire: Darklighter (Empire 8-9, 12, 15)
X-Wing Rogue Squadron ½
Star Wars: Empire: To the Last Man (Empire 16-18)
Star Wars: Empire: The Bravery of Being Out of Range (Empire 23)
Star Wars: Empire: The Wrong Side of the War (Empire 36-40)
Star Wars: Rebellion: My Brother, My Enemy (Rebellion 0-5)
SWOmnibusDroidsEwoks 23. Star Wars Omnibus: Droids and Ewoks June 6, 2012 Marvel Star Wars: Droids issues 1-8
Marvel Star Wars: Ewoks issues 1-14
An Ewok Adventure
SWOmnibusCloneWarsV1Final 24. Star Wars Omnibus: Clone Wars Volume 1: The Republic Goes to War August 22, 2012 Republic: Sacrifice (Republic 49)
Republic: The Defense of Kamino (Republic 50)
Jedi: Mace Windu
Republic: The New Face of War (Republic 51-52)
Republic: Blast Radius (Republic 53)
Jedi: Shaak Ti
Republic:Forever Young (Republic 67)
Republic: Double Blind (Republic 54)
Jedi: Aayla Secura
Jedi: Count Dooku
Republic: Dead Ends (Republic 61)
Republic: Striking from the Shadows (Republic 63)
SWOmnibusCloneWarsV2 25. Star Wars Omnibus: Clone Wars Volume 2: The Enemy on All Sides October 3, 2012 Republic: The Battle of Jabiim (Republic 55-58)
Republic: Enemy Lines (Republic 59)
Republic: Hate and Fear (Republic 60)
Republic: No Man's Land (Republic 62)
Republic: Bloodlines (Republic 64)
Republic: Show of Force (Republic 65-66)
Republic: Armor (Republic 68)
Jedi: Yoda
Star Wars: General Grievous (Issues 1-4)
SWOmnibusCloneWarsV3 26. Star Wars Omnibus: Clone Wars Volume 3: The Republic Falls December 19, 2012 Republic: The Dreadnaughts of Rendili (Republic 69-71)
Republic: Trackdown (Republic 72-73)
Republic: The Siege of Saleucami (Republic 74-77)
Republic: The Hidden Enemy (Republic 81-83)
Star Wars: Obsession (Issues 1-5)
Star Wars—Free Comic Book Day 2005 Special
Routine Valor
SWOmnibusInfinities 27. Star Wars Omnibus: Infinities January 30, 2013 Infinities: A New Hope
Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back
Infinities: Return of the Jedi
WildSpaceVol1 28. Star Wars Omnibus: Wild Space Volume 1 May 29, 2013 The Keeper's World (Pizzazz 1-9 / Star Wars #0)
The Kingdom of Ice (Pizzazz 10-16 and Star Wars Weekly 60)
Way of the Wookiee! (Star Wars Weekly 94-96)
The Day after the Death Star! (Star Wars Weekly 97-99)
The Weapons Master! (Star Wars Weekly 104-106)
World of Fire! (Star Wars Weekly 107-109)
The Word for World is Death! (Star Wars Weekly 110-112)
The Guardian of Forever! (Star Wars Weekly 113-115)
Death Masque (The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 149)
Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds 1-2
Star Wars 3-D 1-3
The Rebel Thief (Star Wars Kids 1-5)
X-Wing Marks the Spot (Star Wars Kids 6-10)
Imperial Spy (Star Wars Kids 11-15)
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Galoob minicomic
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Ertl minicomic
The Mixed-Up Droid
The Gambler's Quest (Star Wars Kids 12)
Star Wars: Droids Apple Jacks Comic Strip
KotOR Omnibus 29. Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1 August 21, 2013 Knights of the Old Republic: Commencement (Knights of the Old Republic 1-6)
Knights of the Old Republic: Flashpoint (Knights of the Old Republic 7, 8, 10)
Knights of the Old Republic 9
Knights of the Old Republic: Reunion (Knights of the Old Republic 11, 12)
Knights of the Old Republic: Days of Fear (Knights of the Old Republic 13-15)
Knights of the Old Republic: Nights of Anger (Knights of the Old Republic 16-18)
Wild Space V2 30. Star Wars Omnibus: Wild Space Volume 2 October 9, 2013 Sergio Aragonés Stomps Star Wars
Tag & Bink Are Dead (Tag & Bink Are Dead 1-2)
The Return of Tag & Bink: Special Edition
Tag & Bink: Revenge of the Clone Menace
Star Wars: Visionaries
Podracing Tales
Jabba the Hutt: The Gaar Suppoon Hit
Jabba the Hutt: The Hunger of Princess Nampi
Jabba the Hutt: The Dynasty Trap
Jabba the Hutt: Betrayal
This Crumb for Hire
The Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel's Wages
The Jabba Tape
KotOR Omnibus V2 31. Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 2 December 24, 2013 Knights of the Old Republic: Daze of Hate (Knights of the Old Republic 19-21)
Knights of the Old Republic: Knights of Suffering (Knights of the Old Republic 22-24)
Knights of the Old Republic: Vector (Knights of the Old Republic 25-28)
Knights of the Old Republic: Exalted (Knights of the Old Republic 29-30)
Knights of the Old Republic 31
Knights of the Old Republic: Vindication (Knights of the Old Republic 32-35)
Knights of the Old Republic: Prophet Motive (Knights of the Old Republic 36-37)
Dark Times V1 32. Star Wars Omnibus: Dark Times Volume 1 December 31, 2013 Star Wars: Republic: Into the Unknown (Republic 79-80)
Star Wars: Dark Times: The Path to Nowhere (Dark Times 1-5)
Star Wars: Dark Times: Parallels (Dark Times 6-10)
Star Wars: Dark Times: Vector (Dark Times 11-12)
Dark Times: Blue Harvest 0
Adventures Omnibus 33. Star Wars Omnibus: Adventures January 8, 2014 Star Wars Adventures: Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya
Star Wars Adventures: Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom
Star Wars Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes
Star Wars Adventures: The Will of Darth Vader
Star Wars Adventures: Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear
Star Wars Adventures: Chewbacca and the Slavers of the Shadowlands
KotOR Omnibus V3 34. Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 3 April 23, 2014 Knights of the Old Republic 38
Knights of the Old Republic: Dueling Ambitions (Knights of the Old Republic 39-41)
Knights of the Old Republic 42
Knights of the Old Republic: The Reaping (Knights of the Old Republic 43-44)
Knights of the Old Republic: Destroyer (Knights of the Old Republic 45-46)
Knights of the Old Republic: Demon (Knights of the Old Republic 47-50)
Knights of the Old Republic: War (Knights of the Old Republic War 1-5)
DarkTimesVol2 35. Star Wars Omnibus: Dark Times Volume 2 May 7, 2014 Star Wars: Dark Times: Blue Harvest (Dark Times 13-17)
Star Wars: Dark Times—Out of the Wilderness (Dark Times 18-22)
Star Wars: Dark Times—Fire Carrier (Dark Times 23-27)
Star Wars: Dark Times—A Spark Remains (Dark Times 28-32)