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The Elfa, a type of submersible.

"I could get you a Hydrosphere Explorer if you're prepared to wait a few weeks. An Ubrikkian repulsorsub. A V-Fin. A Trade Federation submarine, even."
―A Rodian merchant[1]

Submersibles or submarines were vehicles designed to operate underwater on terrestrial planets or in the atmospheres of gas giants. Many were used for research and exploration, especially in mining operations. They had limited mobility and mostly came in small one-man designs. Several companies designed luxury submersibles that could be used in tours or for private use.

The amnesiac Revan and two of his party members used a submersible to descend to a secret Republic kolto harvester station on Manaan in their quest for the underwater Star Map. Darth Bandon and his aides might have also used a submersible (or multiple submersibles) to catch up with Revan and confront him.[2] The Trade Federation made use of U-boats before and during the Clone Wars.

In 6 ABY, Quelev Tapper bought such a craft on Kaal to search for the wreck of the Emperor's Shadow.[3]

Lando Calrissian employed submersibles in a variety of ventures, including one involving the mining of Corusca gems on the planet Yavin Prime. Several submersibles were in use on Calrissian's GemDiver Station, such as the Submersible Mining Environment Fast Hand.

Notable submersible producing companies[]


Manaan submersible.



Notes and references[]
