Tales from the Endor Woods is an animated film released on DVD in 2004. It is a feature-length compilation of the Ewoks episodes "Wicket's Wagon," "The Travelling Jindas," "To Save Deej," and "Asha." As with The Haunted Village, the episodes have all been re-scored and the original opening and closing titles are missing. Additionally, this film opens with a new narration by an older Wicket Wystri Warrick.
In 1997, eight episodes of the Ewoks animated series were edited together as two full length films. Episodes 2, 1, 3, and 9 were edited together to make The Haunted Village, and Episodes 10 ("Wicket's Wagon"), 5 ("The Travelling Jindas"), 4 ("To Save Deej"), and 13 ("Asha") were edited together to make Tales from the Endor Woods.[2][3] These compilation films were later released in several Region 4 countries, such as Brazil (the Brazilian edition was released in 2005 with the Region 1 and 4 codes on the same disc) and Australia. The Haunted Village combines four loosely related episodes into one story, while Tales from the Endor Woods connects four seemingly unrelated stories via a voiceover by Alex Lindsay (digital effects artist for The Phantom Menace)—intended to be an adult Wicket.[4] The original opening credits and theme song are not included as part of the films, and were replaced with simple credit sequences and new scores by Marco D'Ambrosio.
Tales from the Endor Woods was released on Region 1 DVD on November 23, 2004 under the title Star Wars Animated Adventures: Ewoks. It contained both The Haunted Village and Tales from the Endor Woods on a double-sided disc.[5]
Cast | Uncredited cast | Crew | Uncredited crew | Special thanks |
Feature Edition:
- A Closer Look at the Ewoks & Droids DVDs on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
- "Skywalking" — Star Wars Insider 78
- "Creatures of Endor" on StarWars.com (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ A Closer Look at the Ewoks & Droids DVDs on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
- ↑ Cargo Bay: Droids: The Pirates and the Prince in the StarWars.com Cargo Bay (content now obsolete; backup link)
- ↑ Droids and Ewoks: A Home Video History on www.rebelscum.com (archived from the original on May 5, 2020)
- ↑ Alex Lindsay at the Internet Movie Database
- ↑ A Closer Look at the Ewoks & Droids DVDs on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)