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Z-95 Headhunter

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Teeks were a sentient species that lived in the galaxy.[1] At some point, a crashed ark brought Teeks to the moon of Endor.[2] When Han Solo and Lando Calrissian were searching for a pilot on Frander's Bay, Solo pushed his way through a group of Teek before dodging a lumbering Kullp.[1] A Teek worked at Port Borgo around 9 ABY.[3][4]

Behind the scenes[]

The Teek species made its live-action canon debut in "Way, Way Out Past the Barrier", the second episode of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew.[4] Director David Lowery used puppetry to bring the character to life.[5]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Last Shot
  2. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 38 (Guide to the Galaxy: Sentient Species of Endor)
  3. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian" of The Mandalorian Season One to 9 ABY. In addition, SWInsider "A Certain Point of View" — Star Wars Insider 228 also dates "Part Seven: Dreams and Madness" to nine years after the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 9 ABY per Timelines. "Part Seven: Dreams and Madness" takes place after the conflict on Mandalore, which is the main event depicted in "Chapter 23: The Spies" and "Chapter 24: The Return," the final two episodes of The Mandalorian Season Three. Therefore, Seasons One through Three of The Mandalorian must all be set in 9 ABY as well. As StarWars SWCA 2022: 20 Highlights from Lucasfilm's Studio Showcase on StarWars.com (backup link) states that Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is set in the same time period as The Mandalorian, it must therefore also be set around 9 ABY.
  4. 4.0 4.1 SkeletonCrew-FinalLogo Star Wars: Skeleton Crew – "Way, Way Out Past the Barrier"
  5. Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Will Bring Back The Teek From Ewok Movie The Battle For Endor by Travis, Ben on Empire Online (October 21, 2024) (archived from the original on bad argument #2 to 'formatDate' (not a valid timestamp))