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Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"The power of energy over matter…and mind over both."
―Luke Skywalker[9]

Telekinesis, abbreviated TK, was a neutral ability that most Force-sensitives had which allowed them to move and otherwise manipulate physical matter in a variety of ways, all with the power of the Force. The ability was virtually ubiquitous among Force-sensitive individuals and organizations, though the techniques could differ greatly. It had a tremendous number of applications, both combative and utilitarian.


The primary purpose of most telekinetic powers was to manipulate physical matter, allowing the user to touch, grab, hold, and otherwise interact with a target. Force-users could use this ability to push, pull, and lift targets.[10] It could also be used to disarm or physically attack opponents, as well as a method of defense for the user or the target. For a sufficiently skilled or powerful practitioner, the size, distance, weight, and mass of the object did not matter. One could lift something as small as a piece of fruit to an X-Wing or be able to affect a target from another room or even several light-years away while looking at them through a holocomm or viewscreen, so long as they possessed physical awareness of the target's location in relation to themselves.[11][12][13][14]

Telekinesis also entailed applying and defying physical forces without physical contact and from a distance, with the strength and intensity of this force causing the feats performed with it ranging from making small to medium-sized objects float or levitate weightlessly, to slowing or completely halting the motion of moving targets, to crushing targets with the strength and resilience of metal with extreme amounts of pressure. This manipulation of force can also be enough to generate shockwaves, vibrations, and even seismic energy, as well as concussive or explosive force, which could be used to repel, damage, or destroy targets. In addition, telekinesis could also utilize the air to achieve its effects by manipulating air pressure, currents, and pockets. This allowed a user to perform feats, such as creating explosive bursts of force or powerful winds. Not only could it be utilized for an attack, but telekinesis could allow a user to create a usually invisible field or barrier of physical force with various sizes, shapes, and intensities for defense. Many of these abilities could manifest generated directly from or around the user's body.

Despite the ability allowing the user the ability to manipulate and interact with targets without physical contact and from a variable distance, the precision, accuracy, magnitude, range, and intensity of the ability were tied to the users' concentration, willpower, emotions, senses, and spatial awareness. Therefore, a user's power could be weakened, causing said user to be unable to properly control it.[11] For most users, physical or mental fatigue, stress, or disorientation would subsequently nullify the use of such an ability.

Despite the many possible applications of telekinesis, the power often could cause physical and mental stress and exhaustion, especially when used on objects larger or heavier than the user or that already had greater amounts of force being exerted on it, such as falling objects or moving vehicles. The size, weight, and distance of a target could also affect how quickly and how easily it could be moved by the user. As the target was influenced by the user's sheer concentration and conscious effort, most Force-users were naturally unable to focus their abilities upon multiple targets for long periods and required their physical senses, such as sight and hearing, to be able to lock onto their target. In the event of exhausting or stressing their powers or themselves, physically or mentally, users would require time to regain their composure before being able to continue using their abilities properly. Additionally, Force users actively utilizing the ability were often left unable to perform other tasks in the meantime, including moving in the most extreme cases, as they were forced to divert most of their concentration and effort on the specific task, which could leave them vulnerable in dangerous scenarios such as open combat, lest they be interrupted and lose their hold on their target. Such instances would regularly hamper or limit the ability's use, especially in combat, resulting in Force users resorting to physical combat, especially with the use of a lightsaber. Alternatively, a user's telekinetic strength could be enhanced by intense emotions such as stress, anger, hate, fear, desperation, which lessened the effort of maintaining a hold on a targeted object or allowed a user to apply abnormally precise or extreme amounts of force beyond their natural limits.

The ability is usually channeled through bodily gestures, specifically the motion of the eyes, hands, fingers, or occasionally the entire body. Such gestures are the most common way to use the power, especially when the user's mind or senses are strained or overwhelmed, as the user requires comparatively less concentration, focus, and effort to manifest their ability. However, the feature can also limit the use of one's abilities if the user is restrained or otherwise rendered immobile.


DookuJedi EGTF

Count Dooku uses Move Object during a Jedi training session.

Telekinesis had an extraordinary number of applications. These abilities were used to move objects, people, and so on. They could be used in both a utility-oriented manner, or as a form of attack.

Move Object[]

Obi-Wan force pull

Obi-Wan Kenobi using Force Pull on a B1-Series battle droid's blaster rifle

The basic use of telekinesis that involved stretching out one's feelings and will through the Force to take physical hold of a targeted object or objects, exerting one's will on it so that it performed as the user wished. The Force power functioned on the theory that the Force reacts to a Force-user's strength of will, allowing a user to apply the Force with their mind to some other space or object. While this technique allowed the user to exert force on a target as if they where physically interacting with it, it was primarily used to suspend force already exerted on a target, such as gravity, allowing a user to levitate a target, defying its weight, or to attract and repel an object in a similar manner to magnetic or gravitational force. Savage Opress managed to stop a knife thrown by Sugi just before it reached the head of Darth Maul during a mission. However, at its most rudimentary, this ability would only be enough to cause an object to hover and float, but would not provide much precision or accuracy in terms of further controlling the object nor would the amount of force applied to the object be enough to push, drag, or directly damage it. Additionally, instances of intense focus, such as during meditation, could result in various objects surrounding the user to levitate sometimes unintentionally, which could further result in objects orbiting each other as well as the user.

Force Pull[]


Mace Windu uses Force Pull on his lightsaber.

A telekinetic ability using the Force that could cause a material body to draw close to the user. The greater the user's aptitude with this, the heavier the object that could be pulled or the more wide arc or radius of the Force "wave". It could be used to pull weapons from enemies, or, at higher levels of skill, could be used to pull enemies themselves closer to a Jedi's lightsaber range. This power was also very useful when a chasm or hole lay between the caster and the opponent. It could also be used to pull foes to the ground. One of the most powerful uses of the ability was pulling a starship from the sky. In 3641 BBY, Khem Val claimed that Tulak Hord once pulled a ship the size of the Endar Spire onto a planet's surface.[2] In 2 BBY, Galen Marek demonstrated the ability on Raxus Prime. Although unsure if he could, with great effort he managed to use the Force on an already-falling Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, turning it and sending it crashing into a Imperial ore facility.[4]

Force Push[]


Yoda used Force Push to throw Darth Sidious across the room during their duel.

The most basic applications of Force Push utilized telekinetically-derived force to push objects away from the user. It could be used to varying degrees, from simply nudging or softly moving targets away from the user, to shoving and staggering them, to knocking them backwards or to the ground, to sending them flying through the air. Functioning as both an offensive and defensive technique, the ability was a common method for Force users in repelling opponents or clearing obstacles.

At more powerful levels, Force Push could manifest as a telekinetic impulse created with the Force, generating a concussive burst of pressurized air akin to an explosive force from the user's body that impacts against the target like a projectile. Depending on the power and skill of the user, this ability could be used to do anything from shoving or staggering a target to shattering stone. The greater the user's telekinetic aptitude, the larger the pressure differential, and thus the stronger the effect and the heavier the target. With practice, a skilled Force user could increase the range and arc of the blast without lowering the average kinetic energy, creating a blanketing wave instead of a focused pulse. Truly gifted practitioners could generate a concussive blast that would radiate from them for dozens of meters in all directions, detonating with the physical force of a conventional explosive. Starkiller, while under the influence of Force rage, was capable of releasing a blast powerful enough to disintegrate Force-insensitive foes.[15]

Force insensitive SWGTCG

Namman Cha Force Pushes his assailants

This technique was an effective tool for keeping enemies at a distance. Force users could use a well-timed Force Push to send their enemies tumbling off balconies or into deep chasms. Additionally, Force users who were exceptionally skilled or powerful could even use Force Push to kill their opponents via the sheer force of the Push itself. Both Darth Vader and Galen Marek demonstrated this ability on multiple occasions. Beyond offense, this power had many utilitarian applications, such as removing or pulverizing heavy debris and other obstructions too large to remove without specialized equipment. Alternatively Force Push was still capable of being less directly damaging, as a burst of telekinetic energy could be used to harmlessly deflect large projectiles such as rockets.

A trained Force user could resist a Force Push, presumably by shielding themselves with telekinetic energy of their own. However, this shielding could be penetrated or overwhelmed by an opponent of sufficient skill or power. Alternatively, depending on the user's level of power and skill, beings with a sufficient amount of physical strength and resilience could potentially resist the full force of a Force Push.

Force Grip[]

Jace Dallin choke

Vader using Force Grip on Jace Dallin

A highly versatile and adaptable use of telekinesis, as it was used to physically grip a target, or a specific part of a target, in order to exert more direct control over them beyond simple levitation. This technique was often used against enemies, either to restrain or immobilize them, lift and hold them in the air, forcibly control their movements, or, at a high enough degree, apply a damaging amount of pressure that had the potential to crush an opponent's bones and organs or inflict other forms of injury.

This ability had the potential to cancel out the motion of a target to not only reduce its speed, but to completely halt and suspend it in place. In its most common form, the target of the ability could not only be seized with great strength, but also lifted off the ground and suspended in the air. Due to its potential for bringing harm and its prioritization on controlling and dominating a target, Force Grip and its variations are often regarded as dark side techniques. However, as a Jedi could use it to peacefully and harmlessly immobilize an opponent, the ability could be used without accessing the dark side and without using emotions related to the dark side.

The grip was commonly applied not simply to levitate targets, but to exert physical force on a target to simulate physical contact. This allowed a user to grasp, squeeze or constrict a specific part of their victim, such as the neck, or, potentially, to exert an equal amount of pressure on the entire body to better restrain and incapacitate them. More powerful users of the technique were even capable of raising the intended target off the ground by their necks. The technique is often synonymous with Force Choke, the main difference between the two was that the choke was specifically aimed at the neck, or even more specifically, the throat or trachea of its victim and was primarily used for restricting air and blood flow. The grip, on the other hand, could target multiple parts of the body at once and could be used to pin or slam its targets into walls or ceilings, throw them great distances, or to bring them over a fall or towards the user for a close-range attack. However, these techniques would often coincide, as a user could telekinetically grab, hold or lift their target by the neck with or without choking or strangling them in the process.


Count Dooku chokes Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Some used this provision as an advantage to escape the Grip's clutches; Jedi could implement Force Persuasion or Force blinding to obscure a Grip-user's vision, or some could immediately leap to escape it (with mixed results in either case, depending on the user's knowledge of the Force). Boba Fett was known to have been able to escape a Force Grip by firing his jetpack, utilizing the external propulsion to fly safely out of the Grip-user's line of sight.

If one could not escape the sight of a Grip-user, the next best method was to disrupt the user's concentration. Jedi in the time of the New Republic could commonly do this by simply pushing their enemy with the Force, and others were known to have broken a Grip by blasting the user with a weapon. These solutions were both limited, however; those most powerful in the use of the technique could maintain concentration during a Force Push, and even more could control the Grip so well that the choked target would not be able to even draw his or her weapon. A skilled user would not restrict himself to only the grip to subdue opponents, some would take the opportunity to simultaneously move an opponent over a fall, throw him, slam him into a wall, or merely force an opponent to disable his lightsaber, then follow with an attack.

However, those most experienced and skilled with Force Grip were able to apply it without a direct visual of their target or even being in the target's immediate vicinity, so long as they knew their target's location relative to themselves. Oftentimes, users that were sufficiently skilled and powerful enough in the Force were able to apply the technique while viewing their target through a viewscreen or hologram.


Kyle Katarn using Force Grip against Tavion Axmis over a chasm of Bespin

Force users known to have used this power included Count Dooku, who used it on Obi-Wan Kenobi when Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker boarded General Grievous's flagship to rescue Supreme Chancellor Palpatine; and Desann, who used the power at least once on Kyle Katarn. Dooku in particular demonstrated the use of the technique to forcibly manipulate the motor functions of others, such as when he Force choked Turk Falso while simultaneously forcing the pirate to draw his blaster and shoot his comrade. He performed a similar feat when he made Padmé Amidala aim at and shoot Bec Lawise. Additionally Grandmaster Yoda used the technique to freeze his former apprentice's Sith assassin, Asajj Ventress in place as she was attempting to strike down King Katuunko on Toydaria before throwing her aside.

Kyle Katarn himself used this very Force power, for he first exercised a degree of control over Force Grip during the Reborn crisis, against Tavion Axmis, who had enraged Katarn by her involvement in his partner's apparent death. Though Katarn released Axmis once she revealed that the supposed killing was a ruse, and though he would quiet his anger from that moment forth, Katarn would continue to demonstrate the power through the rest of his days. Darth Vader's apprentice, Galen Marek, was also extremely competent with Grip and employed it as one of his primary weapons. Anakin Skywalker was seen using it in his duel with Barriss Offee at the Jedi Temple, preventing her from attacking and ending the duel. When he became Vader, he would routinely utilize it against fellow Force users, and developed his skill with it to the point that he could grip and throw even Starkiller with it.[15]

Derivatives of Force Pull[]

Force Rend[]

Rend was a dark power that allowed the practitioner to move a single target, be it creature or object, in two different directions simultaneously, potentially tearing the target apart or otherwise damaging it.[3]

Force Disarm[]

Force Disarm used the Force to pull a weapon from an opponent's grasp.[1] The Force-user could then choose to have the weapon fly into his hand. Yoda used Force Disarm to disarm Asajj Ventress when she tried to assassinate Toydarian King Katuunko, though it is noted that due to Yoda's greater power in the Force, he would have been able to overwhelm any attempts of Ventress to resist his power with her own.[16] Prior to the Occupation of Bespin, Darth Vader used this power to disarm Han Solo as part of the capture of Solo and his companions by Imperial forces.[11] Starkiller had employed force disarm against riot troopers by taking their weapons and using it as a weapon.[15]

Derivatives of Force Push[]

Force Wave[]

Force Wave

Mace Windu using Force Wave during the battle of Dantooine

One of the most powerful forms of Force Push, it was essentially a wave of pure Force energy that pulsed out from the Force user that utilized it which knocked back anything within the power's blast radius. The strength of Force Wave was extremely potent, and its raw power was on more than one occasion described as a telekinetic explosion.[17][18] It was more widespread, like a wave, hence the name, and could push multiple opponents at once. It was very useful in tight, cramped quarters when the Force user needed room to move, since Force users could damage their opponents by pushing them into the walls. It could also be used as "crowd control," when overwhelming numbers of enemies immediately swarm toward the user. Using Force Wave could be used to give the Force user time to rethink their strategy and cast more Force powers, or they could also attack fallen opponents as they are stunned. The technique was almost completely synonymous with Force Shockwave.

Mace Windu and Yoda used this power against B2 super battle droids during the Battle of Coruscant. Mace also used this power when he lost his lightsaber on Dantooine in the Clone Wars. This power was also used by Darth Bane against his former lightsaber instructor on Lehon to bring part of the Temple of the Ancients down on him, killing him. Darth Plagueis was powerful enough to use a Force Wave to nearly atomize six Maladian assassins' after being seriously injured in a surprise attack. Darth Vader was also capable of utilizing this ability, showcasing his skill during the Gentis Coup when he used one to kill dozens of Gentis's soldiers simultaneously. Luke Skywalker also used this move during his Duel with Darth Caedus. The most powerful known user of this ability was the dark-side entity Abeloth, who once produced a wave so powerful that it destroyed the city of Tahv, disintegrating nearby beings and materials and causing objects further away to combust.


Force Shockwave

Force Shockwave[]

Force Shockwave, also known as Focus Shockwave or Force Bomb,[19] was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to emit a powerful destructive ring of energy, damaging or destroying anything in its radius. The Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was a practitioner of this technique during the Clone Wars.[19] Savage Opress also released a similar massive Force pulse against large group of battle droids, eliminating all of them and knocking Anakin Skywalker and Kenobi aside.[20]

Force Repulse[]


A Force adept uses a powerful Repulse to escape a Rancor's stomach

An extremely powerful telekinetic Force power similar in function to Force Push, and perhaps even more to Force Blow, but on a far larger scale, akin to that of Force Wave, Force Repulse was no more or less than a gigantic telekinetic explosion. The user would concentrate on the Force and violently push it outwards, creating rapidly-expanding kinetic ripples in space, flinging nearby objects away at high velocity. The power only affected objects a certain distance away from the user, and therefore could be avoided by moving further away from the user. The primary difference between it and the Force Wave ability appeared to be that a Repulse always functioned as a spherical explosion that radiated from the user, while a Force Wave typically functioned in a circular or hemi-circular fashion. Darth Vader was a master of this ability, as were his apprentices, Galen Marek and Starkiller. Obi-Wan Kenobi also utilized it during the Battle of Muunilinst against the bounty hunter Durge, causing an explosion of Force energy that blew the Gen'Dai apart from within. Similar abilities to this were Force Shockwave and the dark side technique of Force Destruction. In addition, a more powerful technique of this was Force Maelstrom, which combined a telekinetic explosive field with a Protection bubble and the dark side ability of Force Lightning to cause nearby objects to orbit the field and then be shot out in all directions in a forceful blast charged with Force Lightning.

Force Blast[]


A Force Blast being used against multiple opponents

Force Blast was a powerful telekinetic exertion of the Force that was basically a more powerful version of Force Push, where the user would (hence its name) blast opponents and obstacles out of the way in a much more violent manner than a simple push. Galen Marek was a notable user of this ability.[21] Darth Vader was also capable of using this power, as demonstrated during the Battle of Kamino when he used the technique to shatter Starkiller's lightsabers.[22]

Force Burst[]

Force Burst

Satele Shan using a Force Burst to pin Darth Malgus against a wall and bring a cliff down on him.

Force Burst was a sphere of concentrated Force energy shot at or sent after a target at the utmost accuracy and speed. The strength of the Burst depended on the amount of time and energy put into it. A Burst's size and intensity could range anywhere from huge and combustible, to small but relatively deadly. It was usually semi-transparent with a blue or green shade, while the Sith variant had a reddish shade. This ability shared similar characteristics to Force Destruction, but was not a power exclusive to the dark side.

Force Destruction[]

Force Destruction

A Dark Side Adept standing before the wreckage of Force Destruction.

Force Destruction was a massive energy field that could manifest in a sphere capable of blanketing a large radius, paralyzing or even vaporizing those in its path. It was generated from dark side energy built up and stored within the user's body until released, typically through the arm or hand. Even those who escaped direct contact with the blast would be pushed asunder by the power's backlash. Despite this, the ability was considerably exhaustive due to the amount of effort and concentration it took to use even but a few times, making it unreliable as a standard form of attack.[23] This ability was notably used by the Inquisitor Jerec, Darth Bane and Galen Marek.

Force Throw[]

Vader TCG AltCardArt 2015 World Championship Prize

Darth Vader using Force Throw to hurl machinery at his son

A combination of Force Push and Force Grip, this technique is used to cause objects, and even people, to be hurled toward a target or an area at an astounding velocity. A skilled Force user could throw multiple, large objects simultaneously at great speed, as evidenced by Palpatine during his duel with Yoda in the Grand Convocation Chamber of the Senate Building, during which he hurled repulsorpods at the Jedi Master. Anakin Skywalker used this ability when he was attacked on Geonosis, hurling droideka arms at oncoming Geonosian warriors. As Darth Vader, he used it to defeat Jedi Knight Roan Shryne in combat on Kashyyyk. He later used it to overwhelm and subdue his own son, Luke Skywalker, during their battle in Cloud City on Bespin.

Force Whirlwind[]


A Dark Jedi uses Force Whirlwind on his victim.

A more advanced form of Force Push, and a rather feeble version of Force Wave. The Jedi would alter the air currents around an opponent, turning it into a maelstrom. This swirling force would lift an opponent into the air, spin them around, and leave them incapable of moving out of it. This allowed the Jedi to attack without resistance. One of the most notable uses of this ability was from Jacen Solo when confronting Tsavong Lah on Duro. Jedi Master Streen and Teneniel Djo demonstrated a natural talent for this ability, as well as Plo Koon, who further modified it with his knowledge. Darth Malak used this ability during his confrontation with Revan on the Leviathan. The former Dark Lord of the Sith, as well as the Ho'Din Jedi Master Plett may also have known how to use it. This ability was known to the Witches of Dathomir as the 'Spell of Storm'. Meetra Surik and her companions may also have used this Force power during her quest to save the galaxy.[24][18]

Force Barrier[]

Force Barrier DaL

A Force user defending himself with a Force Barrier

Force Barrier was both a defensive and offensive technique that allowed the user to create a barrier or wall of Force energy around the intended target, be it self, friend, or foe. This barrier could be insulated against both physical matter and energies, to the point where a strong enough barrier could defend against sonic attacks. Obi-Wan Kenobi used this technique when a bounty hunter was firing at him with a sonic boom grenade launcher. However, the strength of the barrier could eventually weaken with constant battering and exhaustion of the user.

Valenthyne Farfalla demonstrated this when briefly encasing Darth Bane in a Force Barrier and halted his attacks by building up energy of a barrier and single concentrated burst, until Bane broke free and the shield exploded into energy fragments.[25] Similar techniques to Force Barrier where the Adiabatic shield, Protection bubble, Tutaminis, Force deflection, Energy resistance, and Force resistance.

Derivatives of Force Grip[]

Force Choke[]


Darth Vader was infamous for using Force choke on Imperial officers who failed or doubted him.

"Admiral Ozzel, the power that closes in about your throat is the Force. It is my anger reaching forth to end your life."
―Darth Vader kills Ozzel. — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[26]

A purely offensive technique, this telekinetic ability was used to grip or squeeze a living being's throat or trachea, in effect choking or strangling them if used at a low intensity. Force Choke could also be used to apply physical force on the target's neck to allow a user to grab and hold their target by the neck without physically touching them, which could also allow a user could potentially crush their victim's throat or even break their victim's neck and vertebrae by applying enough pressure. Sith Masters used this when wanting to punish people, force obedience or prove their strength to a number of individuals. Those under its effect would usually clutch at their throats. Although it was more commonly used by the Sith, it was used by Jedi as well.

Possibly the most notable display of this ability was by Darth Vader in the Death Star. Admiral Conan Antonio Motti expressed disdain towards the Dark Lord's "sorcerer's ways," to which Vader replied with a Force Choke to his throat, saying "I find your lack of faith disturbing." listen

Most individuals needed only a live visual of their victim in order to perform the technique. Darth Vader demonstrated this by choking Admiral Kendal Ozzel over a viewscreen, even though the admiral was on the bridge and Vader was in his meditation chamber. However, this ability requires extreme focus upon the object at hand, any break of concentration and the choke would be removed and the target's freedom of movement restored. Some individuals were also powerful enough and experienced enough to not require any visuals to kill someone via Force Choke, such as when Letta Turmond's Jedi backer, later revealed to be Barriss Offee,[12] killed her via a Force Choke and subsequently framed Ahsoka Tano for the deed,[14] as well as when Darth Sidious used the ability to kill the Shadow Collective guards standing near the door before opening it to confront his former apprentice, Darth Maul and the latter's apprentice, Savage Opress.[27] Darth Vader was also seen using this ability to express his dissatisfaction with an Imperial officer during one of his Jedi hunts, choking the man while staring pointedly away from him. Shortly thereafter, he did something similar to Kento Marek, breaking the Jedi's neck via a Force Grip while he was looking away from him.[4] Emperor Palpatine could also choke a target remotely, such as when he punished Admiral Termo for speaking out of turn during a hologram communication.[28]

Darth Vader was in fact one of the most infamous users of this Force technique, often choking those who displeased or had failed him, in a clear and powerful demonstration of the Force to any non-believers in view of the grim display. Anakin Skywalker, on his onset of becoming Darth Vader and his fall to the dark side of the Force, used Force Choke on his pregnant wife, Padmé Amidala, after accusing her of bringing Obi-Wan Kenobi to Mustafar to kill him.

This was not the first time he used the technique. Early in the Clone Wars, he had used the Force to choke Jabiimi Loyalist Orliss Gillmunn at the conclusion of the Battle of Jabiim. Later in the same conflict, Skywalker used this technique to torture Separatist leader Poggle the Lesser after the Second Battle of Geonosis. After futile attempts by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to gain intelligence from the Separatist leader, Anakin lost his temper when the captured Poggle refused to give him vital information that might save Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee from the brain worms. He would also later use it on Asajj Ventress when interrogating her on who had framed his apprentice, and later on on the Zygerrian queen, Miraj Scintel, after she threatened his master and apprentice with death if he did not obey her. During the Banking Clan investigation, he again used Force choke on Rush Clovis during an anger-fueled hand-to-hand brawl in Padmé Amidala's apartment.


An enraged Asajj Ventress employs a Force choke on Skywalker and Kenobi

Other Force users known to have used this power included Darth Revan, who was seen choking a Republic soldier who was on his flagship.[24] Darth Tyranus choked his former apprentice, Komari Vosa, after being defeated by a bounty hunter.

In the time after the Great Sith War, a Bimm later known as Toki Tollivar, carried out a prolonged campaign of serial killing. He killed all of his victims by choking them with the Force, which led to bounties posted from Corellia for the "Corellian Strangler". He was later discovered by Zayne Carrick aboard the Chancellor Fillorean and was killed by Demagol.

Although users of the dark side reveled in using the power, especially for humiliation, this power was used by the light side as well. One of the most famous Jedi to use Force Choke after the Great Jedi Purge was Luke Skywalker who used it against Gamorrean guards in the process of gaining entrance to Jabba's Palace. Luke also used it on one of the Nightsisters.[29] In both instances, he used his ability to disable his opponent, not to kill them. In 40 ABY, Jacen Solo used this technique against a female Hapan officer who questioned his authority to chastise her, releasing her afterward. He also Force-choked Patra Tebut for disobeying orders, this time to lethal effect. Kueller used Force choke on Femon. Gorc, who would keep a victim stationary while his "brother" Picaroon C. Boodle attacked; Maw, who took pleasure in his enemies' suffering. The Jedi Exile could also use the power regardless of alignment.

In 3 ABY, during a mission to the ice planet of Hoth, Lord Starkiller used Force choke on Captain Keenah when in contact with him over an intercom while fighting his way through a collapsing Wampa-infested ice cavern. Starkiller did not require visual contact with Keenah in order to use this ability.[30]

Force Wound[]

This power allowed a Force user to telekinetically apply pressure to their opponent's organs or body. If not resisted, it could crush the victim's heart or lungs.

Force Kill[]

This power was used to telekinetically destroy the victim's organs. On Korriban, Darth Tyranus used Force kill on the black-market dealer Auben's heart, killing her instantly.[31] Darth Bane also used Force kill on his father by envisioning a giant hand squeezing his father's heart resulting in a fatal heart attack.[32] A similar technique to this was Heart stun, which halted the heart and, if properly used, could place a victim in type of stasis.

Darth Vader knew how to use this power, and demonstrated the ability to stop a victim's heart or freeze his lungs with the Force[33] and also used this power as a Jedi.[34]

Force Crush[]

Force Crush

A Dark Jedi Force-crushes an assassin droid.

One of the most violent Force abilities known to the Sith and the Jedi, this deadly technique lifted the opponent into the air and as they were floating, their body would implode as it was crushed by the Force.

Obi-Wan Kenobi used this technique on two commando droids in Kadavo to recover his lightsaber after been fighting with the Zygerrian Darts D'Nar and giving Anakin Skywalker time to destroy the bombs around the city.

During the latter part of the Clone Wars, Mace Windu used Force Crush on General Grievous as the cyborg was attempting to transfer his "captive" Palpatine to the Invisible Hand, thus crushing one of the few organs he had left: his lungs. This was in part responsible for his constant choking and coughing throughout the rest of his life.[35] Though his lungs could have been repaired with surgery, he didn't live long enough to get it. This instance of a Jedi using the technique on a living being was a rare one, as most Jedi deemed the technique too violent and dark to use in that manner.


A Techno Union Scientist with his crushed pressure suit

Darth Vader, who would not hesitate to use Force Crush and similar techniques on Imperial personnel that he deemed incompetent, was capable of crushing small vehicles on the battlefield.[36] Even during the end of the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker displayed this power on Nelvaan when he used it to break the Techno Union scientist before his attempt to escape.

Although the Horn family was deficient in telekinesis, Nejaa Halcyon was able to employ Force Crush against Nikkos Tyris after absorbing the energy from Anzat's lightsaber. Darth Traya also used this powerful attack to compensate for her age and lack of physical strength. It made for an effective display of her power. Darth Bane was also a notable practitioner of this power as seen when he crushed Qordis on Ruusan.

Galen Marek was also noted to use this ability against an AT-ST on Raxus Prime during his assault on the Imperial factory.[4]

Force Orb[]


Kit Fisto creating an unbreakable bubble of air to hurl through the legs of a Quarren artillery cannon

Force Orb was created from pure Force energy that obstructed the surrounding environment, forming a bubble of air. Under normal circumstances, it only worked underwater. Kit Fisto utilized it during the Battle of Mon Calamari, creating a ball of air underwater and using it to disable a crab cannon. During the Battle of Mon Cala, Kit Fisto and Anakin Skywalker attempted to use this power to make a makeshift air helmet for Padmé Amidala to breath when Riff Tamson broke her helmet spitefully with his jaws. They succeeded, but Jar Jar Binks's Gungan saliva proved a more effective seal.

Lightsaber combat[]

These techniques centered around manipulating a lightsaber through telekinesis while in combat.

Saber Barrier[]

Lightsaber Barrier

Rachi Sitra creates a saber barrier.

A defensive technique, the saber barrier was a telekinetic lightsaber combat technique used by some practitioners of dual-saber combat in Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order. It consisted of having the lightsabers whirl hovering in a horizontal circle around the saber-wielding Jedi, thus creating a defensive yet deadly wall of lightsaber blades, defending the Jedi primarily against melee attacks.

Jedi Master Mace Windu was a practitioner of saber barrier, as were the Dark Jedi Alora and several New Reborn. Jaden Korr might also have mastered this technique. Darth Traya used a variant of this power in her final confrontation with Meetra Surik, conjuring three violet lightsabers to fight for her.

Saber Throw[]

Lightsaber Throw GH by Shoemaker

A Dark Jedi throws his lightsaber at his opponent.


Savage throwing his lightsaber

It was an offensive use of the lightsaber. The Force user, whether by manually locking the blade in the 'on' position or holding in the activation button using the Force, could throw the lightsaber in a boomerang fashion, with it cutting its way through obstacles and (usually after deactivation) returning to the hand of the caster. Variations in the skill of users meant that some could hurl their lightsabers great distances, make mid-air course corrections, or keep them hovering in place. These techniques, finely honed, could be combined to make telekinetic lightsaber combat possible.

Also, there was a destructive variation of the technique where the saber could be thrown straight towards the target.

It was extremely damaging to anything alive, if it hit vital parts of the body, such as heart or head. Galen Marek was a notable practitioner of this skill. His clone was also quite skilled with it, and would often throw both of his weapons simultaneously into troop formations to devastating effect.

The skill has also been used by Savage Opress and later Yoda, Darth Vader, Kyle Katarn, and Jaden Korr. Darth Revan and Meetra Surik also may have used this power.

Telekinetic lightsaber combat[]

Levitating lightsabers

Darth Traya telekinetically wielding three lightsabers against Meetra Surik

Telekinetic lightsaber combat techniques made use of telekinesis in lightsaber combat. Some telekinetic lightsaber combat techniques, like the Saber throw, were offensive, while others were defensive.


An example of telekinetic lightsaber combat

Darth Traya displayed the most remarkable form of telekinetic lightsaber combat—having the ability to wield at least three lightsabers independently in combat, holding each of them aloft with the Force, and having them fight with a will of its own.

The Reborn Revan utilized a similar technique during his fight with the strike team on Yavin 4 inside the Temple of Sacrifice, using both his backup and the blade of his former friend, Malak, to combat his opponents several times during the confrontation; however they were easily knocked down into the center of the chamber or over the edge several times before his retreat from the temple.

Darth Bane demonstrated this ability when he telekinetically used his lightsaber to kill three young boys while their father helplessly looked on. Millennia later, Mace Windu would use the ability during the Battle of Coruscant. While brief, his skill with the Force allowed him to unclip his weapon from his belt and activate it, destroying a Super battle droid with one swift stroke. The cloned Starkiller was capable of using this ability to attack whenever he was empowered through Force rage.

Other applications[]



Sidious destroying Leia's lightsaber

Combustion, also known in High Galactic as Flamusfracta, was an advanced, telekinetic Force ability that allowed users to cause objects to explode by sheer force of will.[37] It was rarely used on a person, and the effects it had on inanimate objects and people were devastating. Depending on the size, density and vulnerability of the object in question, combustion would become harder or easier to use successfully. The intensity of the blast could injure an entire room of enemies, particularly if the affected object was made of flammable material.[37] It is disputed whether combustion could be prevented and stopped if another Force user concentrated on an object to prevent it from exploding. This may have canceled it out, or it may have done nothing.

Yarael Poof was known to use this power.[38]

Darth Sidious considered this ability a "mere child's play" in The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.[37] After his resurrection on Byss, Palpatine used this power to cause a 10,000 year old lightsaber to explode in Leia's hands.



Dace Diath, using Jedi levitation

Levitation was a Force power that allowed Jedi to suspend themselves against the Force of gravity. Levitation required no direct physical contact. Using the Force, an individual could then hover in place or move about wherever they desired. Skilled and powerful Force users were able to use this ability to temporarily defy gravity, inertia, friction and other physical forces to enhance their mobility, to the point of gliding.

Revan briefly used levitation to attune his connection to the Force during his 're-training' at the Jedi academy on Dantooine.

During the Galactic War, during a Kaggath on Corellia, Darth Thanaton used this ability to escape from the future Darth Nox.

Kaox Krul and Crian Maru levitated themselves above a lake while they fought during the Duel on Balowa.

Jedi Knight Dace Diath used levitation to carefully descend to the surface of Ossus after surviving the crash of his Star Saber XC-01 starfighter.

Force Flight[]

"Don't tell me Jedi Knights can fly now."
Anja Gallandro to Jacen Solo[39]

Dooku uses Force Flight on Rattatak

Force Flight was a Force power that enabled the user to telekinetically move themselves toward a specific destination, taking levitation (see above) to an extreme degree. To use this Force power took a great deal of concentration.

The Dark Jedi Maw was skilled in this power. After having his lower body severed by the Jedi Qu Rahn, Maw initially relied on a repulsorlift for transport, but he soon learned to wield Force Flight so well that it became second nature. Darth Tyranus,[40] Darth Vader, and Darth Sidious[41][4] may have also possessed this power, being able to hover above the ground in standard gravity. The Dark Jedi Yun may have possessed this ability as well, to some degree. His master, Jerec, also possessed this power, demonstrating it in the Valley of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker could use this power while in low gravity.[42] His wife had also learned this skill by 40 ABY. The ancient Sith Lord Darth Thanaton was also able to use the Force to levitate, yet with better control to such a degree that he could indeed fly.[2] Ganner Rhysode once mentioned to Corran Horn that he could levitate them both for almost a kilometer—but that it would be highly energy-consuming. It is possible that Force Flight had some relation to Floating Meditation, a meditation technique where the user floated several inches off the ground during meditation. Some witches of Dathomir,[29] Lord Nyax,[43] Mara Jade,[44] and Darth Venamis also used this power.[45] Additionally, was easier to use this technique while in low gravity, as shown when Ben Skywalker and his father used this technique during Luke's exile and Luke's subsequent claim that he could not fly.[42] Moreover, Darth Sidious could the Force to float in a shell of lightning, but it is unclear if this is the same power.[46]

Force Wind[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Force Wind

An ancient Sith technique. This power would allow the Force user to manipulate and channel air currents to form a powerful and destructive tornado that could lift up targets and fling them about.[47] During his training on Yavin 4, Streen used this power to lift the comatosed Luke Skywalker in the air, when he was tricked by the spirit of Exar Kun. He also used it during the attack on Yavin 4 in 12 ABY to disable incoming TIE fighters, taking out 4 fighters by smashing them in each other.

Projected fighting[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Ballistakinesis

Darth Maul looks at the knife stopped by his brother.

An application of telekinesis which could be used to harm an opponent without physical contact. The damage inflicted using projected fighting was often dependent upon the attacker's physical strength—the power effectively acting as an extension of their physical body in hand-to-hand combat. The user could also choose to attack with less than full strength, in order to stun rather than injure. A target could defend against projected fighting as though it were a standard hand-to-hand attack, or if Force-sensitive, by using the Force.[48] Knowledge of unarmed hand-to-hand combat techniques and pure physical strength would also make projected fighting techniques more effective. The power could be used against any opponent within the attacker's line of sight, and was easier to use against closer opponents.[48]

Specific means included telekinetically hurling dirt, dust and debris at a foe affecting its perception. One could also throw a small object in the path of an incoming projectile, to prevent it from striking them.[49]

Similar techniques to this was Force punch, Force kick, and Shadowstrike.


Darovit exploding hand

Zannah uses the Force to cause her cousin's hand to explode.

Before Count Dooku renounced his commission, he made recordings on the Holocron of Asli Krimsan dealing with telekinesis. These teachings became required viewing for two generations of Jedi apprentices.

While training him on Dagobah, Yoda told Luke Skywalker that the size and weight of an object was only relevant in the mind of the practitioner, and that once the mental distinction about an object's size could be let go of, objects of any size could be moved. Yoda demonstrated this by lifting Luke's X-wing out of the swamp.

Anakin Skywalker used it when he lifted a piece of fruit to cut for Padmé Amidala and returned one of the pieces to her.

Revan used it to lift and move several objects, including two chairs and a datapad around himself in a circular motion, while he also elevated himself in a technique called Floating Meditation in the Jedi academy on Dantooine.

Kyle Katarn used it to hold up a wall of rocks after Jaden Korr battled with Rosh Penin and Tavion Axmis while Korr used Katarn's lightsaber to cut them to safety.

Rahm Kota used it to rip part of a TIE fighter factory off and send it hurtling into the atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa while still inside of it.

Jedi Master Corran Horn was one Jedi who was weak in telekinesis, a long-standing inability in his family's Jedi history.

Darth Traya used it to use three lightsabers simultaneously after her remaining hand was cut off by Meetra Surik.

Mace Windu used it to hurl a vibro-ax in his final duel with Kar Vastor, cleaving apart parts of his enemy's body. Count Dooku employed it during his battle against Master Yoda on Geonosis, and again while dueling Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on board the Invisible Hand. Palpatine used it against Master Yoda in his battle in the Senate Building, and much later used it to unlock Luke Skywalker's restraints when he was brought aboard the Death Star. Kreia used it while battling against Meetra Surik. Carnor Jax, a former member of the Emperor's Royal Guard and aspiring Sith Lord, had some telekinetic powers.

Among the most skilled users of telekinesis were the Zeison Sha. Neither Jedi nor Sith, their skilled use of telekinetic force use was developed over decades of simply surviving their planet Yanibar's harsh environment, surpassing even some of the most powerful of Jedi in their skills. Their weapon of choice was a discblade, a circular bladed weapon that was thrown and manipulated with the Force and could be recalled. It required great skill in telekinesis to be wielded effectively.

Darth Vader's valet also utilized telekinesis, a power said to be inherent to his species. It was unknown whether this was a manifestation of Force-sensitivity or some other kind of supernatural talent.

Similarly, certain other species, such as Mind-witches, also held telekinetic powers that may or may not have been Force-related.

There were several impressive displays of telekinesis. The Jedi Dorsk 81, utilizing the channeled Force powers of all available Jedi of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum, used telekinesis to push seventeen Imperial I-class Star Destroyers out of the Yavin system. The massive amount of Force energy claimed the Jedi's life.

Another extreme display of telekinesis was accomplished by Darth Nihilus. Using the power, he pulled a Centurion-class battlecruiser out of the massive artificial gravity well that the Mass Shadow Generator had created around Malachor V, a gravity well so powerful that it had nearly obliterated the planet itself.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jedi Master Kyp Durron was able to move a black hole back onto the ship projecting it and in so doing bypass the Yuuzhan Vongs' near immunity to the Force and annihilate the vessel. He was inspired by a similar attack used by the leader of the New Jedi Order some time before.[50]

Behind the scenes[]


In the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Roleplaying Game for streamlined play, many similar uses of telekinesis were renamed "Move object," also called "Object manipulation." This includes Force Jump, Fall, Push, and Pull in most cases. Force strike/push and grip/choke were the only other telekinetic attacks. Otherwise, the skill is vaguely referred to as Object manipulation or "Alter."


Force Push[]


Starkiller Force Pushes a stormtrooper into a wall.

In the Star Wars Roleplaying game, "Force Push" was the standard telekinetic offensive for trained Force users. In the revised version, "Force Strike" is the use of the Force to "strike" the target, dealing damage more like a punch than a push. Using Force Strike on a living target (as opposed to a droid or inanimate object) was considered an act of the dark side in the game until Jedi Counseling 60. Henceforth this error has been corrected in future books.[1] "Force Push" became a variant of this—in which the opponent is knocked down or thrown aside in the more familiar way. As one of the few offensive powers not fundamentally dark in nature, Force Push frequently forms the cornerstone of a Jedi's offensive arsenal. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel there are three levels of Force Push. The first is the conventional Force Push, which knocks back an opponent; the second is called Force Whirlwind, which lifts off an opponent from the ground and creates a whirlwind around him; the last is more like the first one, except that it affects a far greater range in front of the player.

Force Grip[]

TheenFida ForcePush

Theen Fida Force-pushing a Yinchorri enemy

One exception to the requisite of maintaining visual sight when using a Force Grip does exist in the Darth Bane: Path of Destruction novel, where Lord Hoth gripped a Sith Warrior that almost fell on him in attack, holding her in midair until one of her allies carelessly killed her, while Lord Hoth was staring transfixed in the opposite direction.

Force Whirlwind[]

The most powerful user of this ability was Anakin Skywalker in the non-canon story "What if the father never rescued Anakin from the Dark Side?" in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine 7. In it, Anakin Skywalker, in a duel against Yoda and Darth Sidious, conjured a Force Whirlwind so strong that it eventually evolved into a hurricane, which destroyed much of the Senate Building in its wake.

Force Wave[]

Admittedly, it has the power to destroy an entire droid squadron. This was demonstrated by Mace Windu at the Battle of Dantooine, when he was without his lightsaber. Darth Vader seems to use a very powerful Force Wave in the computer game Star Wars: Empire at War, not only pushing enemies at a great distance, but also killing them. In the Revenge of the Sith game, Obi-Wan and Anakin use a Force Wave to clear a path for them to escape battle droids aboard the Invisible Hand.

Lightsaber combat[]

Saber Throw[]


Darth Malgus throws his lightsaber at Ven Zallow during the Sacking of Coruscant.

Saber throw is seen only three times in the six live action movies, yet is comparatively common in video games and employed in the animated media. This is most likely due to the desire to add a ranged dimension to lightsabers, which are more typically thought of as melee weapons. In the movies, saber throw is used by Dooku against Yoda in Attack of the Clones (where it can only be seen in a few frames) as Yoda leapt on surfaces to avoid the Sith's blows, by Yoda against a 501st Legion clone trooper in Revenge of the Sith, and by Darth Vader against Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi.

Saber Barrier[]

The saber barrier technique was introduced in Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles as Mace Windu's special power. While the player's character cannot move while executing this move, non-player characters can actually "jump out" from the barrier. The technique is named on Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, and in the 'datapad' in-game.

Non-movement related applications[]

Force Flight[]

Tonho Telekinetic

Tohno utilizing Telekinetic lightsaber combat

Many fans insist that most examples of this are not actual instances of "flight" but merely a slowing of movement during a fall, or added power to the legs during a jump. The determining factor should be the actual movement involved, falling (Dooku's floating, Kenobi and Skywalker falling great distances), leaps (Mace Windu on Dantooine) or hovering (the Witches of Dathomir). With the exception of some witches of Dathomir, Lord Nyax, Mara Jade, Ben Skywalker and his father, Darth Venamis, and specific instances in Battlefront, almost all other uses were some variation of moving an object, oneself.[45][44] Additionally, it may be easier to use this technique while in low gravity, as shown when Luke and Ben used this technique during Luke's exile and Luke's subsequent claim that he could not fly.[42] Moreover, Darth Sidious could the Force to float in a shell of lightning, but it is unclear if this is the same power.[46]

Force flight was also mentioned in the 2001 Dark Side Sourcebook by Wizards of the Coast as an ability that the Witches of Dathomir possess. That talent has since been redesigned to afford movement for a brief period of time, but not prolonged flight in the Saga edition ruleset.

Some assert that Mace Windu exercised the Force flight power in "Chapter 13" of the Clone Wars cartoon series; however, this has not been confirmed, and can be seen as an extreme demonstration of Windu's skill at telekinetically moving himself and droids quickly and for far distances.

Morag the Tulgah sorceress was able to fly in the comic Ewoks 12. This ability is shown on the front cover and several pages inside. Wicket even says, "Look, Morag is flying to the brush." Morag's powers are attributed to magic; however, the Hyperspace article "Castaways of Endor" claims that all magic shown in Star Wars: Ewoks is, in fact, performed through the use of the Force.


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Non-canon appearances[]


Clear your mind SWGTCG by Wootten

Yoda uses telekinesis to move a tree.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Star Wars: The Old Republic
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Clone Wars Campaign Guide
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
  5. Crucible
  6. Legacy of the Force: Invincible
  7. Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game
  8. Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side
  9. Star Wars (1977) 96
  10. Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
  12. 12.0 12.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Wrong Jedi"
  13. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Lost One"
  14. 14.0 14.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much"
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
  16. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Ambush"
  17. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  18. 18.0 18.1 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  19. 19.0 19.1 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith video game
  20. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Witches of the Mist"
  21. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide
  22. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed two
  23. Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II manual
  24. 24.0 24.1 Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
  25. Darth Bane: Rule of Two
  26. The Empire Strikes Back radio drama — "Fire and Ice"
  27. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Lawless"
  28. Star Wars Missions 3: Attack on Delrakkin
  29. 29.0 29.1 The Courtship of Princess Leia
  30. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition
  31. Jedi Quest: The Final Showdown
  32. Darth Bane: Path of Destruction
  33. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire novel
  34. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
  35. CloneWarsLogoMini Star Wars: Clone Wars — "Chapter 25"
  36. Star Wars: Empire at War
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force
  38. Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
  39. Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell
  40. CloneWarsLogoMini Star Wars: Clone Wars — "Chapter 6"
  41. Star Wars: Battlefront II
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 Fate of the Jedi: Abyss
  43. The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
  44. 44.0 44.1 Legacy of the Force: Betrayal
  45. 45.0 45.1 Darth Plagueis
  46. 46.0 46.1 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
  47. Tales of the Jedi Companion
  48. 48.0 48.1 The Jedi Academy Sourcebook
  49. Jedi Academy Training Manual
  50. Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream