


Warning: This infobox has missing parameters: listedpronouns and unrecognized parameters: other, SW, voice

Temuera Derek Morrison (born December 26, 1960) who portrayed Jango Fett, and his clones, in Star Wars.

One of Morrison's co-stars on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street was Daniel Logan, the future Boba Fett. Morrison also played alongside Rena Owen, who played both Nee Alavar and Taun We, in Once Were Warriors, and starred beside Harrison Ford (Han Solo) in Six Days, Seven Nights.


Temuera Morrison played Jango Fett and all clone troopers in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Morrison was the model for the CGI clone troopers in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and acted and voice-acted as Clone Commanders Cody, Odd Ball, Gree and Thire, Appo as well Clone Captain Jag and Sergeant Fox. He also lent his voice to the character of Boba Fett for the 2004 DVD release of the original trilogy, and has voiced the Fetts and the clone troopers in many video games.

After Morrison's appearance in Attack of the Clones, artists began to use his likeness to depict Boba Fett and Clone troopers without masks. Chapter 21 of Star Wars: Clone Wars was one of the first stories to do this. Infinities and Star Wars Tales stories have also depicted the unmasked Boba Fett bearing a strong resemblance to Morrison.

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