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This article is about the senator. You may be looking for the scientist, Tendau Nandon.

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"Make no mistake, [a yes vote] will galvanize the Separatists, and be seen by them as an invitation to war. Every Senator must think heavily upon the consequences of next month's decision. We are not just voting on the creation of a defense force, but rather our votes will determine the start of open hostilities."
―Tendau Bendon[1]

Tendau Bendon was a male Ithorian senator who represented Ithor and the Ottega sector in the Galactic Senate during the waning years of the Galactic Republic.


A male Ithorian, Senator Tendau Bendon represented the Ottega sector in the Senate during Finis Valorum's last term as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Bendon was among the senators who openly supported Valorum, even if most of the Senate would have rather replace the Chancellor.[4]

In 33 BBY, Chancellor Valorum proposed the taxation of the until then free trade zones. Senator Palpatine of Naboo then suggested that a part of the collected money could be invested in the growth of planetary systems in the affected areas. Bendon and other senators of the region, including Yarua and Horox Ryyder, cheerfully supported the idea.[4]

Bendon continued his career as senator during the years which followed the Separatist Crisis. Before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Bendon was a staunch opponent of the Military Creation Act. His attempts to oppose it were unsuccessful which led to the start of the Clone Wars.[1]

Personality and traits[]

During his time on Coruscant, Bendon visited the Coruscant Opera, like many other politicians of the time. Bendon was known to have assisted to a representation of The Brief Reign of Future Wraiths, performed by a Bith company.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary mistakenly identified an Ithorian merchant from Mos Espa as Senator Bendon.[5]



Notes and references[]

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