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"I was telling them the tale of when you faced the giant terentatek on Kashyyyk. What a terrible beast it was."
―An illusory Dooku, to Yoda[1]

Terentateks were a species of hulking bipeds found on the arboreal planet of Kashyyyk that craved the blood of Force-sensitives.


Cartoonish Terentatek

Cartoonish representation of a terentatek by Gammit Chond

Terentatek were large, brutish creatures covered in spines. Although similar to rancors, they were typically smaller than them.[2] Their heads, crowned by a number of long spikes, featured two small eyes, a large mouth filled with sharp fangs flanked by two tusks, and a downward pointed chin. Their upper limbs ended in three clawed digits.[5] The color of their rough-looking skin ranged from mottled-brown[3] to blue with yellow patches.[4]


Terentateks hunted individuals sensitive to the Force to feed on their blood. Using their highly poisonous tusks and claws in combat, they were known for their viciousness.[2] According to Count Dooku, however, they were not very intelligent.[6]


Terentatek head

The head of a terentatek mounted as a trophy

Terentateks came from the forest floors of Kashyyyk,[5] a planet of the Mytaranor sector, in the galaxy's Mid Rim.[7] Some individuals believed that they derived from rancors transformed by the dark side of the Force, or that they were the result of some experiment by the Sith.[2]

On one occasion, Jedi Master Yoda and his apprentice Dooku faced a terentatek. Years later, while Yoda was trying to pass through the Valley of Extinction without emotion and attachment, an illusory Dooku mentioned their encounter with the terentatek.[1] At the time of the Galactic Civil War, the former Imperial senator and big game hunter Johhar Kessen owned a terentatek's head mounted as a trophy.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Terentateks were originally introduced in the Star Wars Legends continuity as a powerful enemy in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, a video game developed by BioWare[8] and first released on July 15, 2003.[9] During development, BioWare used the model of the umber hulk from their previous video game series Neverwinter Nights as inspiration for the terentatek's design.[10] In the current Star Wars canon continuity, terentateks were first mentioned in "Destiny," the penultimate episode of the sixth season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, written by Christian Taylor[1] and released on March 7, 2014.[11]



Notes and references[]

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