The Tetans, also known as Korosians, were the Human inhabitants of the planet of Empress Teta. Notable Tetans included Empress Teta, the Daragon family, Aleema Keto and Satal Keto.
- † Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Golden Age of the Sith
- † Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Fall of the Sith Empire
- † Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Freedon Nadd Uprising (First appearance)
- † Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith
- Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 1
- Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 2
- Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 3
- Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 4
- "Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 2" — Star Wars Insider 27
- "Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 3" — Star Wars Insider 28
- The Dark Side Sourcebook
- Power of the Jedi Sourcebook
- "Velmor: Royalty and Rebellion" (original article link) on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- "Byss and the Deep Core Part 2: Empress Teta" (original article link) on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- The Essential Atlas (First identified as Korosian)
- Nexus of Power