Tetengo Noor was a human male pilot for the New Republic Defense Fleet from the planet Churba. He flew A-Wings as part of the training group Blue Squadron, alongside what would become Wraith Squadron, on Folor. When the Zsinj Star Destroyer Implacable attacked the base, Noor helped buy escaping transports time to escape by impersonating the Millennium Falcon and luring away the capital ship.
Noor was then assigned as Polearm Nine aboard Mon Remonda during the hunt for Iron Fist. During the Battle of Selaggis, Noor inadvertently entered Second Death's nightcloak field. Upon seeing Iron Fist printed on Second Death's bow, Noor began to accelerate towards the New Republic fleet to inform them of the ship. As he was returning, however, Second Death self-destructed.
In 7 ABY, his squadron was training at the Folor Base when Admiral Apwar Trigit, who was under Zsinj's command, attacked him. Tetengo was involved in a diversionary operation along with his comrade Dorset Konnair and pilots Kell Tainer and Hohass Ekwesh of Wraith Squadron. Together they managed to jam the Implacable's sensors and pretend to Trigit that the Millennium Falcon and Renegade Squadron were attempting to flee the base. Trigit fell for this ruse and broke off the attack on Folor in hopes of capturing Han Solo and Leia Organa. This gave the soldiers more time on Folor and they were able to successfully complete the evacuation. Noor and his comrades were also able to exit the system successfully. Some time later, he took part in the battle of Ession, in which the Implacable was destroyed.
Noor was subsequently transferred to the Polearm Squadron, which took part in the hunt for Zsinj from aboard the Mon Remonda. Eventually he also fought at the Battle of Selaggis where his new wingman fell. However, he himself survived and attacked the Iron Fist with his fighter until it entered a stealth field formed by several Nightveil satellites. Tetengo followed her and found the Second Death next to the Super Star Destroyer, which also had the name Iron Fist on the bow. However, before he could leave the field to notify the crew of the Mon Remonda, the ship performed its intended purpose and exploded. The surviving New Republic fighters were unable to recover him after the battle.
- X-Wing: Wraith Squadron (and unabridged audiobook) (First appearance, in book)
- X-Wing: Solo Command (and unabridged audiobook)